From "This" to "This!" ... Thanks to my brother Richard from Connecticut ...

My brother called me today to kick me in the head and remind (in one case) and reveal to me (in another) just how seriously sick our country has become over the misguided invasion, war and occupation of Iraq as a part of our "War on Terror" [sic].
I had a sour and sick (aching, really!) stomach when he called and told him I would try to call him back after I read his email and thought about what he said vis-a-vis this blog posting you are reading.
Well, I did read what he suggested ... and these three or four lines tell it all ...
Donald Rumsfeld to staff prior to invasion of Iraq (but while we were already engaged in Afghanistan): (at the time he was being told that the senior Pentagon planners should write what, at that time, was referred to as "Phase 4" of the plan to go to war with/in Iraq ... the phase that included post-invasion operations like security, stability and reconstruction): "I will fire the next person who says that!" [from Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid prior to his retirement this past week]
Richard Cheney (when asked yesterday on NBC's Meet the Press if he had read the US Senate Intelligence Committee Report that debunked the two main reasons for our invading Iraq -- that Iraq had WMDs and that Iraq was in cahoots with al-Qaida): "No, I have not read that report."
Richard Cheney (elaborating): "we would have done the same thing, even knowing what we know now!" (... that Iraq did not have a WMD program and was refusing to even cooperate with Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida)
Donald Rumsfeld on 2/7/03 (six weeks before invasion and war): βIt could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months.β
Richard Cheney on 3/16/03 (four days before invasion): βI think it will go relatively quickly, . . . (in) weeks rather than months.β [Operation "Iraqi Freedom" -- the invasion -- began on March 20, 2003.]

George Bush while addressing the nation this evening ... more than three years after invading Iraq: "The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad!"
I do truly feel sorry for the innocent people of both Iraq and the rest of the Middle East. Business men and terrorists (which is hard to differentiate) are destroying their lives and the world around them.
I hope that the Bush administration is removed this coming election. The American people need to regain all that they have given up and lost in the name of power and money.
so... "The safety of America depends on the outcome of the battle in the streets of Baghdad!" this has ZERO percent truth?
yort and orhan kahn -
If there'd any truth to Bush's words then all civilization on our solar system is endangered by the sunni and shiite insurgents who can't see beyond their blind hatred of each other and all others.
And we slog on ...
Cheers on a cheerless day
MWN (Joe)
If there was no truth to Bush's words then the recent news about Syria killing terrorist trying to attack the US Embassy is just something that was made up to appease Americans.
yort -
there was some truth to what Bush said BUT there are certainly more Muslims who hate us today -- more than if we had stuck to getting Osama bin Laden and hadn't decided to journey into Iraq.
Not a single Amiercan was killed by a single Iraqi during the twelve years between the end of the Gulf War and the invasion of Iraq AFTER 9/11 -- and 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were saudis, but we didn't invade saudi arabia, did we?
Do you wonder why?
It's spelled O-I-L !!
MWN (Joe)
on french newspaper the most famou si read that syria is complaining usa is making everything (the conditions) for terrorism.
i forgot to say you the end about the 9-11 "ceremony" or speaking about... after the 9-11 today we have caterina program! all the bad things about america are coming i guess...
and in channel "planet" it was a program about "the lies of 9-11": the 9-11 was a big lie and created by bush. my wife even said me that cbs in usa did the same :(
i can understand some people are angry about the policy but saying all the bullshits like "it is not possible to give a call from plane" or "it was another tower falling down" or "if you look carefully you can see pentagon was not attacked" or etc etc
take care
le Rouge et le Noir -
No, I believe CBS ran a documentary (not the "docudrama" of ABC) that was largely produced by a couple of French producers who just happened to be in New York with a firehouse describing the lives of the firemen.
It was quite intimate and they quite coincidentally caught the first plane going into North Tower. It was a moving description of how the firefighters dealt with the tragedy.
I bought the video that you mentioned ("Lies of 9-11") and agree that the oddities they wrote, filmed and spoke of could easily be explained along ordinary lines, if anything about 9/11 could be called "ordinary."
Tell your wife that I agree with her about Mahmoud Ahminejad. He can look quite suave -- in a "Terminator" sort of way when he smiles through that short-cropped beard. The ladies in America kind of like him too.
Yes, I know that the "Persians" of Iraq and Arabs are two entirely different peoples. The Arabs with whom I worked in Saudi Arabia hated them and even modified maps to refer to the "Persan Gulf" as the "Arabian Gulf," etc. Of course, deep down they hated us too. :)
I went to school with many Iranians and fully agree that they are a modern and congenial people -- not at all like some of the Arabs I met while getting one degree or another. Many of the Arabs were nice, but they were (on the average) quite a notch lower than the Iranians when it comes to modernity.
Not everything in America is bad; we are simply going through our little "Hitler" era which many nations go through, but not as bad as what Germany endured in the 1830s and 1940s.
Cheers to you and your family.
MWN (Joe)
make that "1940s and 1940s" -- not "1830s" My fingersdance on the keyboard faster than my eyes scrutinize the screen. :)
make that "1930s" not "1830s"
thank you so much :)
my wife says special hi to you. she likes to read you ;) no no i am not becoming jealous ;)
hen you were writing 1830 i was thinking ok 1871 :D but for germany as far my grand father explained to me (he was prisonner in germany) was terrible nazi even he knew nice guys even in camp! (his own words)... whatever this world is economy first goal oriented. how it can be different? our countries need oil they try geostrategically to make the country be up! well usa yes but not france. ema joly wrote a book few years ago (of course not her only) that money is going out in financial paradise... russia they don't need it but we do their way of little respect for own people.
France is trying to destroy the picture of usa being a country helping his people with the katerina accident... that's why i think it is very important to answer this hatred here ;)
take good care
and thank you again
le Rouge et le Noir -
THe people in the USA mean well; it's only that we don't always know how best to express our feelings.
MWN (Joe)
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