Sadly, a couple of milestones were met today ...

Sadly, a couple of milestones were reached today.
Of course, it is the fifth anniversary of the terrible attacks upon our soil in New York and Washington, DC ... and to commemorate that, we can do little more than to take our flags down to half mast and reflect ... both on the changes we have seen since that terrible day (and those lost on that day) and on the lives lost since that terrible day -- Iraqi, American, Afghan, British and many others -- as a result of the hatred fueled on that same terrible day.
Considering Americans lost -- which is unfortunately the only meaningful statistic that some see as meaningful, another milestone was reached. Whether you use the numbers I posted earlier or the numbers I've seen published this week (our Pentagon puts out its casualty numbers each Tuesday), we have now reached 2,991 dead and 20,846 wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq which means that we have now exceeded (sometime between a couple of Tuesdays in September) the number of persons killed on 9/11/2001. On that day (and not including the 19 hijackers) we lost 2,973 persons, 2,902 of whom were American citizens (at best count).
Of course the totals of casualties for all allied countries and those against whom they are fighting is much higher. The number being floated last Tuesday was 231 dead in Iraq alone among the "nations of the willing" (the coalition, not including the US). Of course, countless "enemy combatants" and civilians have died in both Iraq and Afghanistan and both countries have been completely "broken" to use a word my brother, Richard from Connecticut, has used to describe the way Colin Powell viewed the carnage in these countries to justify our continued presence ("if you broke it, you have to fix it!" was the Powell quote, I believe).
The question in many of our minds now is ... "Is that enough, Mr. Bush?" What numbers will satisfy you and your neocon handlers before they let you begin to draw down our forces in harm's way? Of course, the same questions must be asked of Tony Blair, the UK Prime Minister, and other leaders worldwide. 3,000? 4,000? 5,000?
We surely have topped 3,000 as of tomorrow's published figures from our Pentagon.
Is it enough?
This 'eye for an eye' mentality is leaving us all blind.
OMG... you are a very troubled man. I hope you didn't fly your flag half mass on Sept. 11. You are one of those support the troops not what they chose to do with their lives. Liberals like you make me realize just how troubled your party really is. I am glad I am a moderate and can see through the BULLSHIT you write about.
close to 3k Americans died and NO NUMBER of soldiers killed in Afghanistan will ever justify the war in afganistan, the only thing I want is for us to continue to round up these terrorists.
Our Government, has done a great job to make it safer here at home. And whether you disagree or agree OUR Government has done a great job on the offense to attack, kill, detain terrorists.
I hate this, we should love terrorists and FUCK those who died on 9/11.
Your a sick man Jack!
orhan kahn -
i agree, man, truly i do.
MWN (Joe)
yort -
our government HAS done some things that help to make each of us a little safer over the past five years. We needed Homeland Security Department and we have to seek out those terrorist cells who are planning the next 9/11 -- BUT -- Iraq had little or nothing to do with 9/11 and now even the conservatives (Bush and Cheney for starters) agree on that.
The war in Iraq was never to avenge 9/11 and you know that now, yet you continue on with that misguided thought even after our President and his party (the Republican leadership) agree with the Democrats that Saddam had neither WMDs nor a connection with the al-qaida.
That was one of the first things I learned while working with both our air forse and the Royal Saudi Air Force back in the 90s. It's the primary reason that George Bush senior didn't chase Saddam and the Republican Guard back into Baghdad; he knew that Saddam would keep the Sunnis and Shiites out of each others' throats and al-qaida out of Iraq. This, despite the fact that he, himself, was a butcher.
MWN (Joe)
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