Is it because the black Sudanese in Darfur control no oil?

Sadly, this -- the real crime of the past ten to fifteen years -- is seldom the subject of a headline or even a front section mention in our newspapers.
Best estimates put the death toll at around 500,000 although the numbers vary widely as a result of so little attention being given to the Sudan and Darfur, in particular. The boy above may not even be a statistic ... the saddest legacy of all to leave to a world bent on destruction, extraction of fossil fuels and only that religious hatred that is related to capital (money-inducing) resources.
We hear a lot of late about the Holocaust -- as well we should -- thanks to the blatherings of persons like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran and the rightful refrain of the Jewish people worldwide ... "Let us never forget!"
But what about the dire situation in Darfur? Right now, as you are reading this, two and a half to three million persons are facing starvation in Darfur. Other populations in Africa are also endangered, but Darfur is where the heart of darkness is located at this moment.
Remember Rwanda? Remember Armenia? Remember the Gulags (not our current US Gulags) in the Soviet Union? Remember the Holocaust? Well, now is the time to focus on the horrors of Darfur ...
A TV special (George Clooney's documentary) was what really woke me up. Please, let's not let another million die in the Darfur region of the Western Sudan. With as many as three million persons displaced already by the ongoing conflict, the danger that our focus on Israel, Lebanon, Iraq (my own focus) and Afghanistan will allow it to happen almost transparently -- like the 800,000 who died (were slaughtered!) in 100 days in Rwanda in 1994 while our eyes were on (as always, it seems) the Middle East.
The problem, as best I can tell, is Sudanese President Omar al-Beshir who has stood against UN deployment in the affected region. Hmmm ... Sounds like a case for UN sanctions again, doesn't it? They worked with Iraq (until we preemptively invaded Iraq anyway) and they can and should be used in the Sudan.
yort -
Your point is well taken,although the Jews have really been persecuted worldwide for centuries. The "Israel location" was a convenient "out" at the time,I guess -- and an historical/religious convenience as well.
Germany wouldn't have made the Jews or the Germans happy -- nor the Christians worldwide.
That's life on this planet -- confusing and generally inconvenient for many.
MWN (Joe)
I can see it now. Jewish reservations all over Germany. And they can have casinos on them, get drunk, and throw their trash all over the streets. That sounds really similar to the... I better stop!
It is a sad reality.
yort -
Yes, the reservations in our country are a serious problem -- to wit, the Republican scandals dealing with Casino permits, etc. Thanks for pointing that out.
MWN (Joe)
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