My two oldest kitties are in their last years, months, weeks or days. )-:

All of my other cats have "normal" names like Ralph, George, Daniel, Andrew and Rosie -- their actual names -- but Sweetheart and Furface were the first cats I ever retrieved and I didn't give them particularly decent names. Furface's face is not furry and Sweetheart is far more than my most precious sweetheart; she has picked me up (spiritually and emotionally) from almost the day I picked both her and FF (same litter, I think) out of an area that had been blasted out of existence by Russian-made scuds the day before. In fact, it is my belief that Furface's back (broken just above the tail) was crushed when the wall they were either on or under was brought down during the raid the night before.
As you all now know (no longer classified information), not a single Patriot in Riyadh managed to hit a single warhead, and the damage downtown was quite extensive. Great fireworks though as the Patriots could sure wreak havoc on the canisters that carried the warheads for most of the distance from Iraq.
Anyway, these two cats are now nearing their 16th birthday (date unknown), and both are looking mighty old all of a sudden. They've cost me a bundle, if money is any measure -- and it's NOT, having lived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for most of their lives. I have two other cats (George and Ralph) who also have lived in these same far off places, but they are maybe three or so years younger.
But it's Sweetheart and Furface that I want you all to pray for, if you will, because they are simply too tired to go on much longer. They sleep all of the time, but they seem to be okay otherwise, except that Sweetheart, poor old lady, has stopped eating and is slowly wasting away. She won't even take the million dollar appetite stimulant that I try to get into her mouth with an eye-dropper. She knows how to spit up anything she doesn't want to eat/drink and has never taken pills very well anyway -- which explains the scars on my hands, wrists and arms.
They both purr all night as they sleep on my pillow and I won't have them euthanized until I am certain they are truly suffering. They have pleading, understanding eyes and never complain ... even as Sweetheart, in particular, is wasting away.
Even those of you who are atheists or agnostics ... say a prayer anyway, just in case it's the exact prayer that God is looking for right now.
Oh, I'm sorry that my bedroom and the little window shelf I built for the cats looks so untidy in the picture, but you can surely see that the tired half-open eyes of my aging "babies" were once the most beautiful deep brown eyes imaginable.
Sage -
I like your site! Yes, it leans a bit to the right, but is intelligently written and fair in its approach.
As for your sentiments -- thank you very much, although the kitties are gentler with me than I with them, it seems.
MWN (Joe)
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