That explains my brother, Richard from Connecticut, but how does Lieberman come to think he's a "true Democrat"?

Omigod, I wonder if my brother, Richard from Connecticut, could be living in GWB's birthplace ... his wife and he even sleeping in the bed that ... NO! NO! That's too horrid to even contemplate, but then, it would explain ... No, let me get my mind off such awful possibilities ... this is a PG-rated site, after all.
But then, Joe Lieberman's statement earlier today on Fox News that he was the "true Democrat" because he would easily win in November if the Democrats erred in nominating Ned Lamont on August 8 ... made no sense at all. He actually quoted one of my earlier postings (unknowingly, of course) when he said he'd win by drawing cross-over Republicns, Independents and at least some Democrats in November -- a hint for "all" Democrats to make it easy on themselves and vote for him (JL) in August.
Yeh, he's a real Democrat, isn't he?

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