GOP's answer to the two words, "Had Enough?" ... It's, "Be Afraid!"

How was it that I didn't see it earlier? Newt Gingrich is dead on to replace Karl Rove after he (Rove) resigns. All this World War III malarkey that Newt is ginning up is aimed directly at the new [sic] strategy for the GOP winning in November. I put the "[sic]" after the word, "new," because it has been the strategy from about the time of 9-11. The two phrases "9-11" and "War on Terror" were interspersed in almost every one of Bush's campaign speeches in 2004, and now, we can expect to hear "World War III" throughout the Fall of 2006 -- and likely on into 2008's Presidential campaign.
And we fall for it. Just read, James Carville's book with a title that matches exactly what my brother, Richard from Connecticut, believes should be the Democrat's slogan in both 2006 and 2008.
The war/crisis in the Middle East is as orchestrated an event as I have ever seen -- yes, by the Hezbollah and Iran (largely), but egged on by statements from GWB, John Bolton and even Tony Blair across the ocean -- and some overreaction on the part of Israel too, I believe. They've all helped GWB in two elections and see an opportunity to help him again. I don't think I have to elaborate on that statement except to remind you that Iran surely gave Reagan a boost back in 1980 and Iran's statements made in the summer/fall of 2004 were a shot in the arm for Mr. Bush's campaign.
The key is the slogan, "Be Afraid!"
I wondered a bit as I listened to the litany of end-time scenarios rattled off by Newt last evening on Hannity and Colmes. It seemed so ... well ... nutty at the time. But now I think I see what the GOP strategy is: "Vote Democrat and we will see the world end in a series of fireballs" ... that is, a scenario not unlike what I put into a previous post.
Well, if we want to see the results I have courageously predicted (well ... maybe not that courageous), we had better get back to using the strategy outlined in Carville's book.

Sage -
Whatever, Israel suddenly has friends in strange places, doesn't she?
MWN (Joe)
What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.
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