2006 Midterm Election Predictions
Only my brother, Richard from Connecticut, knows that the picture in my Blog Profile over on the right side of your screen is a somewhat dated photo (when I looked young and ... just a wee bit like Tom Cruise, don't you think?) and that the picture below (taken recently) is a little more honest portrayal of the real me in 2006.

As for my current and forever predictions for the 2006 Midterm Elections:
The Democrats will pick up more seats in the House of Representatives than most pundits today -- my brother, Richard, included -- think possible. Yes, yes ... I know that redistricting has made more seats "safe" (Democrat as well as Republican -- except for Texas, of course), but look for the Democrats to pick up at least two dozen seats making the makeup of the House as of 2007:
Republicans: 209
Independents: 1
The Senate is tougher for the Democrats to make headway, but The Republicans will find a way to allow the Democrats to actually take the Senate! You heard Swami Mediawingnuts correctly; we (okay, I'm biased and the pronoun, "we" is proper) will pick up a half dozen or more of the 33 seats being contested and the new makeup of the Senate in January of 2007 will be:
Republicans: 48
Independents: 1
Obviously, with that makeup, an impeachment by the House in late 2007 will depend more upon whether Dick Cheney is still hanging on to his job (by a toenail) than upon the case made for impeachment in the spring and summer impeachment hearings; however, the Senate will not find the President "guilty" on even one of the several counts of Impeachment -- my current prediction is three counts, and Bush will likely serve the last year of his term in the same manner as Clinton served out his final years in the Presidency ... that is, as an "impeached" man. The reason Cheney's hanging on to the Vice Presidency is so important to the outcome of the impeachment hearings in the House and the trial in the Senate is because the Democrats fear running against the brilliant and (growing more) savvy, Condoleezza Rice in the Presidential 2008 race.
As the sitting Vice President, she would be tough enough; however, as the sitting President she'd be nigh unbeatable.
Guru Mediawingnuts has spoken!
I'll pass on my brother's predictions (Richard is from Connecticut, you know) as soon as he passes them to me later this week.
Sage -
Looks aren't everything. As you would say, "'nuff said"
MWN (Joe)
Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.
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