Mossa Koussa (former "Envoy of Death" for Gaddafi) escapes to Britain where he will likely get three days in jail and a slap on the wrist.
Former Libyan Foreign Minister and "Envoy of Death," Moussa Koussa
Guess who is "protesting" Gaddati's attacks and massacre of civilians? Yup! The former intelligence chief for Gaddafi (20 years duration) and more recently, his Foreign Minister, Moussa Koussa ... who is now trying to slip out from under his past into Britain where such seepage seems to go with the territory.
Hopefully, we will get what information we need from him before we return him to Gaddafi where his fate ... well, he knows best what Gaddafi might do with him since he was Gaddafi's hatchet man for twenty-plus years. After all, he earned the informal title, "Envoy of Death," over those years for something, I would imagine.
This Libyan mess gets curiouser and curiouser as time passes. I wonder what part our own government played in the past massacres and Gaddafi's bank accounts. Likely, this goes back through a number of our Presidents and Congressional leaders--both Democrats and Republicans.
I personally don't expect Moussa Koussa to live out the week.
Interestingly, he graduated from Michigan State! No, no ... I'm sure that Michigan State University had nothing (well, maybe a tad) to do with Gaddafi's past massacres, including bringing down Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
We should let the Brits convict him swiftly and then release him to his former boss after maybe three days in a British prison.
Freedom Fighters ... NOT "Rebels," for the love of a duck!
Freedom Fighters ... NOT "Rebels," for the love of a duck!
Colonel Gaddafi is not only a brutal dictator, but a rebel without a cause--other than his own billions of dollars tucked away in Swiss bank accounts and yes, the US Defense Industry. Why didn't we listen to President Dwight Eisenhower more than a half century ago?
The brave Freedom Fighters who are opposed to Gaddafi are not rebels but citizens! And again, I repeat: FREEDOM FIGHTERS!!
It's very strange to read of the people of Benghazi and Misurata as being rebels. They are not rebels. They are protectors and freedom fighters, but certainly not rebels.
Let me quote some powerful words spoken by Ed Schultz on MSNBC and written in the Huffington Post:
"The rebels are those opposed to peaceful solutions in Libya. The head rebel in Colonel Gaddafi, who invaded Libya in the 1960s. He wants to control Libya again despite the people of Libya wanting him to leave.
Colonel Gaddafi is a rebel without a true cause. he is inclined to totalitarian methods and anarchy. He obfuscates and misleads people who want orderly change.
See Colonel Gaddafi for what he truly is! A cruel rebel.....
He organizes the killing of Libyans to maintain his control over wealth. He is the true rebel to the cause that the majority of the people of Libya support. Ordinary people in Libya want simple rule, goodly respect, human dignity, shared life, and mutual participation, not dictatorship. Instead, the rebel Colonel Gaddafi uses the country's money to pay for an invasion force that keeps him in power.
Yes, Colonel Gaddafi is and was the real rebel. The opposers to his rule are ordinary people thrust into a war they do not want, into killing they abhor."
It is absolutely imperative that the U.S. step in and help these marvelous people in whatever way we can!
Like 23% of America, I listened to our President yesterday ... and this is what I heard ...
Libya End-Game
Obama's "Exit Strategy" (actually, NATO's) is not too different than was George W.'s in Iraq ... as best I understood it! What am I missing?
Rebecca Brought up a Good Question in her Comment to Previous Posting ...

Will Schrödinger’s cat be raptured dead or alive on May 21, 2011? (... or on May 14, 2011 as a couple of maverick televangelists believe ...) Would someone please peek in the box on Nephew John's birthday on May 13th and get the word out to the rest of us quickly? What are the odds of Mr. Gaddafi (see previous posting) being alive on May 13, 2011?
Schrödinger’s Cat, Taffy (better pronounciation: Gad-dafi)
Let's assume that Schrödinger’s box is open for a brief moment!
But still, let’s not get caught up in the hysterics of our war with Muammar Gaddafi being equivalent to WW III. We all remember Erwin Schrödinger’s hapless cat, don’t we? Well, Schrödinger’s cat is as famous as his equation (curiously known as Schrödinger’s Equation) which underpins the entire world of sub-atomic matter (best example in today’s world: Murramar Gaddafi) which explains why we really don’t know whether MG is alive or dead as the Libyan crisis continues unabated.
I suggest that we all take a step inside Gaddafi’s box of Schrödinger uncertainty and be happy that we even exist, if only for a relatively short period. There is no way to predict the future and when the guillotine blade falls, we won't even feel it or question our being alive or dead. Unless we are clairvoyant and can see into the future, nobody (Gaddafi, you, me … even Erwin Schrödinger) knows what the final outcome will be.
Just a short lesson in Quantum Physics!
This sign points smack dab to a small Indian Village (Oyehut) in a ... basin on the Pacific Ocean!!

I sure pick neat places to live, don't I? Some newspaper on the East Coast reported our town (Ocean Shores) to one of the Cable Networks as being the most vulnerable (relative to the danger of a tsunami) place in the USA to live.
I think I'd still pick Ocean Shores over a border town just north of Mexico (relative to ALL sources of danger (tornadoes, drug cartel wars, heat stroke, etc.).
First it's Libya ... then Japan ... then Sweetie's Tibia!
Sweetheart's Tibia (post-accident ... or whatever caused it)
And before you ask, no, I don't know how it happened!
Best guess of veterinarian is that she tangled one of her toenails (rear left foot) in one of my raggedy chairs or the rug and tried too hard to pull loose. She is/was a VERY strong puppy for her size.
Only good aspect of this is that she no longer has been chasing the cats.
Highest elevation on Ocean Shores' three mile-wide peninsula equals fourteen feet!

Fortunately, there is a fairly tall spruce in my back yard. It might help if I had a ladder taller than three steps!
The Ego Has Landed ... GOP Makes Splash-down in Wisconsin!
'Nuff Said!
And now there may be twenty-six in Chicago! And twenty seven next week after Scott Walker sorts his underwear for the trip.
Sheen and Qaddafi
The American TV/radio network,CBS, and the head of the anti-government rebel body in Libya say they will not pursue Charlie Sheen nor Moammar Qaddafi for alleged crimes if they step out of the limelight and take up residence with the 24 Democrats hiding out from Wisconsin in a Chicago hotel. Of course, Moammar Qaddafi would have to step down as leader of the north African country wherein he resides within the next three days and Charlie Sheen's name would have to disappear from all newscasts for those same three days.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
The RNC is discussing a similar "deal" with Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, but he claims it would take more than three days to sort his socks and underwear for the trip to Chicago.
Let's not try yet another "Iraq War" in Libya. Hold the course, Mr. President and keep it a "war" of words!

The message from President Barack Obama yesterday was unambiguous: "Colonel Gadhafi needs to step down from power and leave." But no, it didn't suggest that we would step in and lose another 4500 of our boys (and girls) as we did in GWB's ill-conceived Iraq War in 2004!
What our president said was what he said--no more, no less. No bombs. bullets and bodies resulting from US actions. Their Civil War is THEIR Civil War.
Sometimes, it takes greater courage not to act than to show sad and deadly bravado when there is no need for it.
Libya's delusional dictator is not listening to Mr. Obama or any other world leader as he makes his last-ditch, homicidal (and suicidal) effort to stay in power.
So, some frustrated Americans (Republicans and Democrats, sadly) are calling for missiles instead of messages. They want the United States to blast its way into Libya, oust Gadhafi and . . . who knows? This is a gut reaction, not a strategy. It's an express route to creating an anti-American backlash.
A dramatic 15-foot-high banner went up last Monday and Tuesday in the main square of Benghazi, the revolution's stronghold, that said in English: "No foreign intervention. Libyan people can manage it alone."
We should pay attention.
Wisconsin political slogan: Whenever two trains meet at an intersection of railroad tracks in Wisconsin, neither shall proceed until the other has.
Oh ... NOW I get it!!
Whenever two trains of opposing political parties meet at an intersection of railroad tracks in the Wisconsin Legislature, neither shall proceed until the other has.
Go to previous post for a SERIOUS thought.
God Will Conquer Dravet's Syndrome
Buy it!
I went ahead and bought this CD knowing that the money was going to a personally satisfying cause. But surprise! I actually liked it and it's the CD that has been riding to and fro the Quinault Indian Nation and Ocean Shores during this past week. And if you want one for your kid(s), think about getting "Joeys Song for Kids" -- all songs by known artists and VERY pleasant listening.
But best of all, every dime goes towards knocking out this fairly recently discovered and rare disease that causes seizures and a wide variety of disabilities ... along with the most beautiful smile God could have provided any of His miraculous creations. The happiness and silliness in the lyrics alone bring joy to this old man who has, only in his later lifetime, discovered the tragedy of Dravet's Syndrome and its effects (both good and bad) on all who know of it.
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