Mossa Koussa (former "Envoy of Death" for Gaddafi) escapes to Britain where he will likely get three days in jail and a slap on the wrist.

Guess who is "protesting" Gaddati's attacks and massacre of civilians? Yup! The former intelligence chief for Gaddafi (20 years duration) and more recently, his Foreign Minister, Moussa Koussa ... who is now trying to slip out from under his past into Britain where such seepage seems to go with the territory.
Hopefully, we will get what information we need from him before we return him to Gaddafi where his fate ... well, he knows best what Gaddafi might do with him since he was Gaddafi's hatchet man for twenty-plus years. After all, he earned the informal title, "Envoy of Death," over those years for something, I would imagine.
This Libyan mess gets curiouser and curiouser as time passes. I wonder what part our own government played in the past massacres and Gaddafi's bank accounts. Likely, this goes back through a number of our Presidents and Congressional leaders--both Democrats and Republicans.
I personally don't expect Moussa Koussa to live out the week.
Interestingly, he graduated from Michigan State! No, no ... I'm sure that Michigan State University had nothing (well, maybe a tad) to do with Gaddafi's past massacres, including bringing down Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.
We should let the Brits convict him swiftly and then release him to his former boss after maybe three days in a British prison.
Yes, you do exist. And I thought the guy inthe picture was Dr. Jack Kevorkian, also known as "Doctor Death".
Here's a link to a good commentary and translation of the Bhagavad Gita. Paste it into your browser.
This is a better version.
Brother Richard, the Accidental Mystic
You know, he really does resemble Dr. Kevorkian! I knew he looked familiar, but the "Dr. Death" -- "Envoy of Death" connection went right over my head.
Where does Pastor Rob Bell say that persons who read the Gita go after life on earth? Thanks for the URL!
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