Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Schrödinger’s Cat, Taffy (better pronounciation: Gad-dafi)

Let's assume that Schrödinger’s box is open for a brief moment!

But still, let’s not get caught up in the hysterics of our war with Muammar Gaddafi being equivalent to WW III. We all remember Erwin Schrödinger’s hapless cat, don’t we? Well, Schrödinger’s cat is as famous as his equation (curiously known as Schrödinger’s Equation) which underpins the entire world of sub-atomic matter (best example in today’s world: Murramar Gaddafi) which explains why we really don’t know whether MG is alive or dead as the Libyan crisis continues unabated.

I suggest that we all take a step inside Gaddafi’s box of Schrödinger uncertainty and be happy that we even exist, if only for a relatively short period. There is no way to predict the future and when the guillotine blade falls, we won't even feel it or question our being alive or dead. Unless we are clairvoyant and can see into the future, nobody (Gaddafi, you, me … even Erwin Schrödinger) knows what the final outcome will be.

Just a short lesson in Quantum Physics!


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Rebecca said...

I have to admit - I have never heard of Schrodinger until now.

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Dr. Joe said...

A "little" (notice the sub-atomic pun) knowledge goes a long (a.k.a. too far) way. Schrodinger really started something, didn't he?


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