And now there may be twenty-six in Chicago! And twenty seven next week after Scott Walker sorts his underwear for the trip.
The American TV/radio network,CBS, and the head of the anti-government rebel body in Libya say they will not pursue Charlie Sheen nor Moammar Qaddafi for alleged crimes if they step out of the limelight and take up residence with the 24 Democrats hiding out from Wisconsin in a Chicago hotel. Of course, Moammar Qaddafi would have to step down as leader of the north African country wherein he resides within the next three days and Charlie Sheen's name would have to disappear from all newscasts for those same three days.
Sounds like a good deal to me.
The RNC is discussing a similar "deal" with Wisconsin's Governor, Scott Walker, but he claims it would take more than three days to sort his socks and underwear for the trip to Chicago.
Yes, too much sheen. Was a little interesting before but now it's way too much. Did the Wisconsin demos come back? Keep blogging!
To the best of my knowledge, they have returned to Wisconsin. The only bad events to occur from all of this is that the sick, the elderly and the children will lose some government support. Most of the corporations will likely see their profits go even higher.
I didn't catch the piece about the sick, elderly and children being affected. That is upsetting if that is the case. I thought it was all about unions having power or not.
That's right! The working class will make less money and have fewer options (many have children, parents and needs for the sick in their families.)
Sheen isn't really in the "working class," so this shouldn't bother him--or most large corporations. With the tax breaks recently voted to continue, millionaires and billionaires should be all right too.
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