Ohmigoodness! In three hours it will be exactly one month until the 2010 elections expose exactly how far America has fallen ...

Indeed, if the polls shown on Fox Cable News [sic] are a hint as to how bad things have become in our beloved America, we're in deep kim chee.
Would you believe that people tune in and listen to "Professor" Beck (above) regularly and actually believe what he says and scribbles on his blackboards--typically two or three to his right and left. This was brought to my attention when a friend whom I see two or three times each week (let's just call him "Tom") went on and on about the research done by Beck before he presents his nutty ideas.
I've tried listening to a few of his "theories", especially when he wraps them in early American History. But it's impossible to unscramble his ideas into coherent thought patterns ... other than that he somehow apparently equates the "Only say No!" Republicans in Congress to the Founding Fathers.
Lord love a duck!
He even found peculiar rationale yesterday for the gentleman [sic] running for Governor of New York against Andrew Cuomo who threatened one of (would you believe?) Rupert Murdock's reporters with death in a televised argument, and has mouthed squirrelly defense(s) for Christine O'Donnell's sequence of incomplete or false defenses for her odd picnics on Satanic Altars, unexplained campaign finances, false resumes (particularly her impressive-sounding degrees) and peculiar ideas about why monkeys aren't still evolving to new species having human brains, etc., ad nauseum.
I was seriously concerned about his sanity one evening about a month ago when he scribbled simple bullet points to advertise his (at the time) upcoming "Restore America's Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial and said:
"I'm only writing a few bullet points. And I am doing that so I don't get in the way of the spirit, in case he wants to talk...if you would just pray that I would be able to hear because sometimes--sometimes he's screaming at me and I still can't hear it."
I vaguely remember a time in America when those who spoke with God and audibly heard answers were gently led (or wheeled) to a facility where they could get the help they need so that they once again could rejoin our society.
I certainly don't negate the possibility that Beck is "feeling" the Holy Spirit. But maybe he's just feeling the early stages of a nervous breakdown! From personal experience I know that anxiety over a long enough time period leaves people broken, and then they have that complete breakdown ... and get carted off on a gurney to some rehab center where doctors try to fix their broken chemistry ...
Let's add our prayers to those of persons throughout America for Glenn Beck and for his restored sanity.
And for the voters of America on November 2nd ... to see through the insanity spewed out of media outlets such as Fox Cable News and that they maintain a Congress that is at least 95% sane and 98% compassionate.
I believe that we should be praying for Glen Beck and all others that are in office and being voted into office, so that we can have the right person in office, because if we don't get on the ball and start changing our world for the better we will be in deep deep trouble. Because I think America is worth it, don't you? and if everyone one would believe that God is in control and waiting for us too make the right decision
then he would step in and lend us a helping hand and their is only one God that made our world but chose to let us take care of it and we are really messing it up, BIG time. From a Child of the Most High God
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