One of the leaders in the war on the Middle Class. And he's been at war on us for decades upon decades!

I have a close friend who was unfortunate to have been wounded, struck by lightening and ... yes, exposed to near-lethal doses of Agent Orange while fighting for his country in I Corps in Vietnam. He may never recover from his wounds and terrible discomfort.
Quoting Alan Simpson:
“The irony (is) that the veterans who saved this country are now, in a way, not helping us to save the country in this fiscal mess.”
And the sad irony of his stated position today is that he is an Army veteran who was once chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
Still, there's no word from Simpson against the massive trillions in tax entitlements to the Billion Dollar Corporations, Trillion Dollar Bank bailouts and Federal loans to the largest international Financial Institutions and ... of course, the Big Pharmaceutical corporations. Looking at the tax cuts provided by George W. Bush and tax loopholes that are beyond imagination--with Senator Simpson's help, his words over the weekend ring awfully hollow to this old curmudgeon.
What a farce! Cut benefits for the middle class, but not for Simpson’s constitutes in Wyoming. This is not deficit reduction; this is an all-out war on the middle class.
Sadly, it’s not even deficit reduction. The fact they’re going after Social Security demonstrates that. Social Security has never added to the deficit, and will never add to the deficit, inasmuch as as it is forbidden by law to add to the deficit through Social Security benefits. The law requires benefit cuts when the amount taken in plus the amount built up in the trust isn’t enough to pay full benefits.
Read the law, Mr. Simpson ... and take your greedy hands off the disabled and suffering veterans while you're at it!
My guess is that women's groups won't back down from their demand that President Obama fire your ancient you-know-what from your post as the Republican co-chairman of the bipartisan fiscal commission.
For Mediawingnuts Readers: A week of anger was prompted by Simpson's salty language last week in an e-mail to the head of OWL, which represents older women. In his e-mail to Ashley Carson, Simpson called Social Security ... "like a milk cow with 310 million t...ts!"
I'm not a woman, but I am personally outraged by that commentary.
I really think that former Senator Alan Simpson(R.Wyoming) Needs to get a life, because he sounds like he doesn't have a heart for the people and our social security benefits belong to the ones that have worked for a living and when we retire, we will have money coming to live on and it is not for him to put it else where. If we judge other's wrongly we will be judged the same in the end. So watch out Alan Simpson, because you will get what you deserve in the end. I guess he doesn't like women very much and I am a woman and I do not like your comment on social security being like a cow with 310 million t....t's and think you need to go back and learn how to treat women and people with respect, because you will not get any good points talking like that.I believe our veteran's, men and women should be honored, not talked down about and they risked their life for our country. From LMD of Ocean Shores
Agreed! Get a life, A. Simpson! But make it one out of politics and decision making.
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