For Those of You Who Are More Concerned About Economics and Your 401-K than the Tea Party's Pact with Satan ... Look Below!

Add to that the fact that the recession officially ended 11 months ago and ... well, you make up your own minds.
It's no wonder that the Republicans want us concentrating on their admittedly cute candidates and issues as silly as where Barack Obama was born, how many blocks from "Ground Zero" is too close for a mosque to be erected (how close will Christine O'Donnell and her Republican allies want her Satanic Altars?), how many Mexicans were beheaded in Arizona (actually zero!), how many mice with fully developed brains have the Democrats cloned into being through embryonic stem cell research, how many persons of color are upsetting the balance of races in America, etc., ad nauseous ...
Right now, we should all be writing our Republican Congressmen (and women) urging them to say "Yes!" for a change and move Obama's urgently needed programs front and center during the coming month. They can debate the non-issues (above) over tea in Sarah Palin's back yard.
Whoops! That would put them in Russia, wouldn't it?
The GOP doesn't want anyone looking at the facts, or at issues of substance. And, unfortunately, their constituents are all too willing to go along with that.
I do believe we need to try some of Obama's new urgently needed progams, you never know it could work, that is much more important than rehashing old things that are not on the priority list.
From a concern American of our wonderful US of A
But look ahead, Serenissima (and America)! The Democrats are about to start campaigning. The Republican Tea Party has had its ten months or so on the stage just as the Health Care Program kicks in (tomorrow).
Obama has been awakened!
He may not have Sarah's legs, but there's more than air between his ears
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