Whoops! We'll have to update Christine O'Donnell's photos in previous postings!

It appears that the Republican nominee to become Delaware's US Senator in the upcoming Midterms has a background that becomes more and more interesting as the days since last Tuesday's primary elections are otherwise fading in our collective memories.
Her latest ... but let's just let her say it in her own words (on Bill Maher's show, Politically Incorrect):
"One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's a little blood there and stuff like that … We went to a movie and then had a little midnight picnic on a satanic altar."
Admittedly, I've never picnicked on a satanic altar, but then I never imagined that the US Government was creating cloned mice with fully developed and functioning brains either. (See link on the previous post for more on that!)
Boy!!!!!!!!!!! Joe you are on a roll. Are you getting ready for Halloween, already? of course I don't celebrate it, but that was a good picture of a witch.I guess we will never know people, like they really are, thats where FAITH comes in, right?
From a child of God In Oceans Shores
I surely don't imply that Christine O'Donell is or even was a Satan-worshipper, but she puts some credence in sloshing in blood on a Sananic Altar, whatever that might look like.
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