Adding Kelly Ayotte and Christine O'Donnell to the Republican Ladies Shown Below Makes the Party Differences Between GOP and Democrat Women Complete!!

She (Hasselbeck) at least has the brains to realize that billions of "brainy" mice just might register Democrat as they come of age (after all, one human year equals fifteen mouse years) and that that registration would probably be early in the day on December 21, 2012 along with the other apocalyptic events grabbed off the Mayan calendar.
And even Arizona's hateful new laws couldn't stop the patriotic mice. Their mommies and daddies could not be shown to have been illegal aliens and we would only register those from litters born in cages located in the good ol' USA! (Jeez! I hope Ms. O'Donnell doesn't read this. She'd likely try to get the GOP to pass a law that sent killing squads out to exterminate all mice two years and younger. That strategy almost worked 2000 years ago, and Christine O'Donnell reads her Bible, if nothing else--slightly more reading material than Sarah Palin was even aware of as of two years ago.)
Click on the collage at the top and to the left of this posting (twice slowly) to see an enlarged comparison of our lovely (but possibly older) Democrats and the Republican ladies of the Tea Party wacko right wing of the Republican Party. It's your choice, guys and gals with something more than a mouse's brain; do you want gorgeous Palin wannabees and airheads or thoughtful, although possibly slightly less glamorous and, as I just mentioned, a mite older, supporters and candidates to see their party of choice victorious late in the evening on November 2, 2010? That's only a month and a half away--get the word out!!
Watching Picky and the brain was really cute and a very catching tune, but I don't think I would like a mouse too be cloned, because for one thing I hate mice or rats or anything that even resembles one and we have enough mice or rats in this world of ours, in fact too many and with people starving in our world right now we don't need anything more than we have right now.
From LMD of Ocean Shores
One possibility would be to abort all male (or female) fetuses for, say, twenty years ... st bring down poverty and starvation, of course.
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