The apology to Mr. Beck in my previous post doesn't erase the scariest thought imaginable!

Why Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck did not find it necessary back in 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and earlier this year to restore honor when Dick Cheney's company shamelessly kept reaping huge profit from engaging American servicemen in an unnecessary war in Iraq fully underscores the hypocrisy of this duo's fumbling rhetoric. Even Barack Obama had to mumble something akin to restoring honor today when he announced that we had removed [sic] our combat troops from Iraq on time [sic] and with honor [sic].
Who or what exactly was it worth taking our country's honor back from? Bush/Cheney in 2009 or or a ten-year foreign policy run amok? I've been asking that question all day.
Its true that real conservatives (and real liberals) would want to be seen to refrain from politicising the military. But nothing will be too sacrosanct for the Palin-Beck duo (above and below) to touch--not even the military--in their quest to sell their peculiar politics to the unwary.
Did anyone ever hear a constructive sentence coming from either one of those two clowns' lips?
Criticism, innuendos and hatred is their theme song. Do they ever answer to any of their allegations? Do they ever even tell us whose words they mouth over and over again? (That would be the corporate dollars that keep their faces on our television screens, of course.)
All questions addressed to Palin are screened beforehand to ensure she knows the answer. And Glenn Beck? He just has a big fat mouth--as he so accurately admitted yesterday to Chris Wallace.
The latest Gallop Poll released today showing that the Republicans would win the House of Representatives by ten percentage points is really scary. It is terribly worrisome that so many people actually believe in these two empty heads--how many Americans do they really speak for? I don't want to even think about the likely answer to that question. But ...
... not Mediawingnuts, that's for certain!

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