Democrats Finally (Yawn) Are Moving Out to Meet the Republican Tea Party's Challenge!
Obama and Democrats Are (Admittedly Slowly) Awakening to the Upcoming Elections!
Indeed, the results of this November’s Congressional midterm elections may already be sealed ("The cake is baked," is how Fox News analyst Brit Hume described it last week), at least President Obama is no longer moping inside the West Wing about the fate of his party and the dismal looking polls.
He has come out swinging while suggesting some of the key planks in the Democratic agenda for the Midterm elections. Today's "Pledge" published by the Republican Tea Party looks lame by comparison. Quite frankly, only Christine O'Donnell's mice with fully functioning human brains and her picnics on Satanic altars even look vaguely original.
Mediawingnuts, for one, has been yearning to hear the real Barack Obama for months. Of course, the real Barack Obama has been busy passing Health Care Reform, passing a Stimulus package, enacting financial regulations and finishing the pullout of combat forces in Iraq (plus attending to other matters like the Gulf oil spill caused by lack of regulation and oversight going back for years) while the Republican Tea Party has been showing off the legs of its female Congressional candidates and squabbling about Obama's birthplace and Michelle's plane rides.
As for where we're going? Just count the proposals and projects discussed in recent days: (1) a Middle Class tax cut, (2) adding the (single payer) public option to the Health Care Reforms, (3) $50 billion in infrastructure spending, (4) cutting the budget deficit by allowing the Bush Tax Cuts to expire for those earning [sic] $250,000 or more as of December 31st, (5) expanding and making permanent the research tax credit for business and a measure that would allow businesses to write 100% of their investment costs off their taxes through the end of next year ... and while we're at it ... (6) defeating all of this non-issue anti-mosque/anti-immigration intolerance at the polls on November 2nd.
We've only got a month or so, but we can still hold on to both houses of Congress for the next two years.
That's Right, Republicans Who Can Think ... It's Not Gonna Be About Obama's Birth Certificate Or Sarah's Legs on November 2, 2010 ...
For Those of You Who Are More Concerned About Economics and Your 401-K than the Tea Party's Pact with Satan ... Look Below!
The Tea Party Candidates May Have Picnics on Satanic Altars (Dubiously Impressive), But Note What the DOW has Done Since Obama Was Inaugurated (the Low Point on the Graph)
Add to that the fact that the recession officially ended 11 months ago and ... well, you make up your own minds.
It's no wonder that the Republicans want us concentrating on their admittedly cute candidates and issues as silly as where Barack Obama was born, how many blocks from "Ground Zero" is too close for a mosque to be erected (how close will Christine O'Donnell and her Republican allies want her Satanic Altars?), how many Mexicans were beheaded in Arizona (actually zero!), how many mice with fully developed brains have the Democrats cloned into being through embryonic stem cell research, how many persons of color are upsetting the balance of races in America, etc., ad nauseous ...
Right now, we should all be writing our Republican Congressmen (and women) urging them to say "Yes!" for a change and move Obama's urgently needed programs front and center during the coming month. They can debate the non-issues (above) over tea in Sarah Palin's back yard.
Whoops! That would put them in Russia, wouldn't it?
Whoops! We'll have to update Christine O'Donnell's photos in previous postings!

It appears that the Republican nominee to become Delaware's US Senator in the upcoming Midterms has a background that becomes more and more interesting as the days since last Tuesday's primary elections are otherwise fading in our collective memories.
Her latest ... but let's just let her say it in her own words (on Bill Maher's show, Politically Incorrect): "One of my first dates with a witch was on a satanic altar, and I didn't know it. I mean, there's a little blood there and stuff like that … We went to a movie and then had a little midnight picnic on a satanic altar."
Admittedly, I've never picnicked on a satanic altar, but then I never imagined that the US Government was creating cloned mice with fully developed and functioning brains either. (See link on the previous post for more on that!)
Adding Kelly Ayotte and Christine O'Donnell to the Republican Ladies Shown Below Makes the Party Differences Between GOP and Democrat Women Complete!!
Adding Kelly Ayotte and Christine O'Donnell (shown in previous posting) to the Republican ladies shown at the top on the left highlights a clear distinction between the parties as regard their party's female candidates and supporters--with the obvious exception of Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Ms. Hasselbeck doesn't buy into Christine O'Donnell's contention that researchers in the US have created cloned mice in the laboratory with fully developed and functioning brains--using brain cell research, which she (O'Donnell) opposes. And, oh yes, take my word for it! Clicking on the link just before this sentence will give you more than simply Christine O'Donnell's (or Sarah Palin's for that mattter) pinky; you will have the pleasure of watching "Pinky and the Brain," if you wish--it even has a catchy song!
She (Hasselbeck) at least has the brains to realize that billions of "brainy" mice just might register Democrat as they come of age (after all, one human year equals fifteen mouse years) and that that registration would probably be early in the day on December 21, 2012 along with the other apocalyptic events grabbed off the Mayan calendar.
And even Arizona's hateful new laws couldn't stop the patriotic mice. Their mommies and daddies could not be shown to have been illegal aliens and we would only register those from litters born in cages located in the good ol' USA! (Jeez! I hope Ms. O'Donnell doesn't read this. She'd likely try to get the GOP to pass a law that sent killing squads out to exterminate all mice two years and younger. That strategy almost worked 2000 years ago, and Christine O'Donnell reads her Bible, if nothing else--slightly more reading material than Sarah Palin was even aware of as of two years ago.)
Click on the collage at the top and to the left of this posting (twice slowly) to see an enlarged comparison of our lovely (but possibly older) Democrats and the Republican ladies of the Tea Party wacko right wing of the Republican Party. It's your choice, guys and gals with something more than a mouse's brain; do you want gorgeous Palin wannabees and airheads or thoughtful, although possibly slightly less glamorous and, as I just mentioned, a mite older, supporters and candidates to see their party of choice victorious late in the evening on November 2, 2010? That's only a month and a half away--get the word out!!
Forget the Tea Party or even Barack Obama (the former "Yes We Can" guy)! It's Palin Power!
Dissed by Both the Tea Party and Most Far Right Conservatives (Except, of Course, SP) -- Kelly Ayotte and her #1 Endorsement, Sarah Palin
The Most "Even Beneath the BP Oil Residue in the Gulf" Underdog, Christine O'Donnell -- and dissed by (gasp!) Karl Rove -- and Her #1 Endorsement, Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin did it again! This time she shoved aside some of the unkindest cuts of all against lovely (she is cute!) Christine O'Donnell who simply cheated a little with Republican funds and suggested some years back that we not touch ourselves--the cuts inflicted by the Republican Party itself and even Karl Rove who managed to put a clown in the White House for eight years. This was a gargantuan upset and a real signal that Hillary's glass ceiling will likely be breached--maybe as soon as 2012.
Then to add insult to injury, another of her candidates toppled the Tea Party Candidate (huh?) in New Hampshire. Yup! Former New Hampshire attorney general Kelly Ayotte (Palin's pick) held a one-point lead over Ovide Lamontagne (a Tea Party favorite who cast himself as a "true" conservative) in the Granite State with 85 percent of the vote counted Wednesday morning.
Later in the day, it was obvious that Palin's pick would win and Lamontagne conceded.
According to the latest odds from Paddy Power, an online betting book based in Ireland, former Governors Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney are the favorites to win the Republican Party's 2012 presidential nomination. Palin has stayed coy so far about her own intentions in 2012, but Mitt Romney has not denied that he would run as her VP-mate.
As of late today, Paddy Power will pay a measly 5-1 to whomever bets that she will announce her presidential candidacy at the Iowa Republican Party's Ronald Reagan Dinner on Sept. 17.
That's the day after tomorrow!
Which will happen first? Will Mediawingnuts become a 99'er before another Republican joins Senator Voinovich (R. Oh.) in becoming a real American!!
Mediawingnuts as a 57'er or thereabouts
Ohio's Republican Senator George Voinovich, said earlier today that he will support a small business jobs bill backed by President Obama ... {and a large majority of Members of both the House of Representatives and U.S. Senators} ... because the "country is really hurting and the Senate cannot afford to wait."
That means the Republican filibuster has finally been broken at least once as of this moment ... and maybe some of the other equally important bills (already passed by the House of Representatives more than once and favored by a majority of the Senate) can be voted upon.
The country is really hurting also in a number of other areas covered by similar bills locked in the grips of the ugly and undemocratic filibuster rule in the Senate.
And that includes one bill that is close to home for this unemployed (sadly still!) old geezer (Photo above) who is staring with real fear at the thought of becoming a 99'er before the bill dies in the Senate and he (the old geezer shown above) moves on to (hopefully) a better place.
I might add that none of my children or grandchildren have fessed up to having taken the above picture. Age has no dignity, it seems.
But, oh yes, first the nap ...
One of the leaders in the war on the Middle Class. And he's been at war on us for decades upon decades!
Former Senator Alan Simpson (R. Wyoming) has nothing but scorn for people who (like me!) use Federal Money ... of any kind!
I have a close friend who was unfortunate to have been wounded, struck by lightening and ... yes, exposed to near-lethal doses of Agent Orange while fighting for his country in I Corps in Vietnam. He may never recover from his wounds and terrible discomfort.
Quoting Alan Simpson: “The irony (is) that the veterans who saved this country are now, in a way, not helping us to save the country in this fiscal mess.”
And the sad irony of his stated position today is that he is an Army veteran who was once chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
Still, there's no word from Simpson against the massive trillions in tax entitlements to the Billion Dollar Corporations, Trillion Dollar Bank bailouts and Federal loans to the largest international Financial Institutions and ... of course, the Big Pharmaceutical corporations. Looking at the tax cuts provided by George W. Bush and tax loopholes that are beyond imagination--with Senator Simpson's help, his words over the weekend ring awfully hollow to this old curmudgeon.
What a farce! Cut benefits for the middle class, but not for Simpson’s constitutes in Wyoming. This is not deficit reduction; this is an all-out war on the middle class.
Sadly, it’s not even deficit reduction. The fact they’re going after Social Security demonstrates that. Social Security has never added to the deficit, and will never add to the deficit, inasmuch as as it is forbidden by law to add to the deficit through Social Security benefits. The law requires benefit cuts when the amount taken in plus the amount built up in the trust isn’t enough to pay full benefits.
Read the law, Mr. Simpson ... and take your greedy hands off the disabled and suffering veterans while you're at it!
My guess is that women's groups won't back down from their demand that President Obama fire your ancient you-know-what from your post as the Republican co-chairman of the bipartisan fiscal commission.
For Mediawingnuts Readers: A week of anger was prompted by Simpson's salty language last week in an e-mail to the head of OWL, which represents older women. In his e-mail to Ashley Carson, Simpson called Social Security ... "like a milk cow with 310 million t...ts!"
I'm not a woman, but I am personally outraged by that commentary.
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