Who is the REAL Barack Obama?

Joe Sestak claimed more than two months ago that an "unnamed White House official" offered him a job if he would withdraw from the primary. Sestak officially announced his candidacy on August 4, 2009... so he was a candidate when the White House attempted to influence him with a "quid pro quo" job offer.
I would call that a "bribe," but then I'm simply an elderly Democrat living in the middle of nowhere in Ocean Shores.
Title 18, U.S.C. Section 595, which says, “Whoever, being a person employed in any administrative position by the United States … uses his official authority for the purposes of interfering with, or affecting the nomination of, or the election of any candidate for office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representative…shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”
Likely, some unknown minion in the bowels of the White House stepped over the bounds.
As to when Barack Obama knew what and when ... we'll never know, will we?
I still like Mr. Obama, but his slow response as regards getting BP off the potty and into the oily muck down in Louisiana/Gulf of Mexico and his support for his old buddies in Congress make me wonder, "Who is the real Barack Obama"?
I do believe that is a "BRIBE" and we might never know if Obama was behind it, but it will all come out in the end. We all should be praying about this and standing up for our country more, because the proof is in the pudding. I really think we should have someone in the white house, that could stand up for our rights, not put it on the back burner and hope it will go away. From LMD of Ocean Shores
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