Okay, BP ... Where is it anyway? (Referring to their public live-feed webcam!)

Well finally! It is now about five hours later than when I was only able to pick up the still of their videocam at the top of this posting ... or worse! But at 1:30 p.m. PCT I saw the horror. This is the URL of the live feed--at least at this minute: Live Feed from BP
All I was getting earlier was a black screen, but the live video was even more worrisome than the still I was able to get earlier. If they are collecting 5,000 barrels per day on the tanker above (from the tube they inserted into the leak), I have to believe that more than 10,000 (as a minimum) is continuing to further pollute the Gulf of Mexico.
It's hard to believe that they were collecting video like this for a month without our President (Barack Obama, 75% of the time) or the EPA even having access to the footage.
Whose Gulf of Mexico is it anyway--the world's or BP's?
At least Michelle Obama was totally transparent when she had no answer to the little seven year-old girl on Wednesday.
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