I'm sorry, "le rouge et le noir," but that last posting was simply too antiseptic ...

Multiply the horror you see in the photo above by 654,965 ... and you still can't feel the agony of the immediate family ... or the pain of a nation ... Iraq, a country whose heart is aching.

Multiply each of the flag-draped coffins by 2,750 (estimated as of today) and you still can't feel the agony of the immediate family who has lost a son or daughter ... or the pain of a nation ... the United States of America, a country whose heart is aching.
Please, let us not forget what our bombs, bullets, missiles, white phosphorous, depleted uranium ... and our wrath ... has wrought!
hello Joe,
i hope you are fine.
So i'm starting to be famous if you put my name in your blog ;)
thank you
did you watch the movie "house of sand and fog"? your picture is like all the ones of parents loosing their kid. This movie was making me cry like a baby and it is very rare i cry. Terrible end.
I get your point, but I think you have to be careful posting a photo like this. At least give a warning and then a link to the photo. Unless shock is what you're after. Nah, not you...
Rich -
Yes, shock is definitely what I'm after. It took the photos of a young girl burning from napalm, the photo of the execution of a young man as the gun at his head was going off and the gruesome pictures taken at My Lai (and then "snuck out" to news sources) to finally put an end to the Vietnam fiasco -- a war with no definition ef either victory or defeat. [Today, we get along quite well with the "winners," if that's what Hanoi is regarded as.]
Even the Abu Ghraib torturing would not have stopped had literal photos not been captured and shown worldwide.
More on this in a posting soon, Richard.
Bro Joe
le rouge et le noir -
No, I haven't seen "House of Sand and Fog." Is it a French film? I'll look it up on Movies.com and get some idea about it.
MWN (Joe)
it is an american movie. the iranian people were happy to see that the movie was not racist and showing iranian the way they are. the actress got an oscar maybe you know her: Shohreh Aghdashloo.
yahoo link about the movie
Le rouge et le noir (Fred) -
Now I know I will locate and see the DVD (or whatever) of that movie. Thanks again!
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