The Encyclopedia Britannica says it better than I ever could ...

Under "personality disorder" in the Encyclopedia Britannica
"One of the most important disorders is the antisocial, sociopathic, or psychopathic personality disorder. This disorder is chiefly characterized by a personal history of chronic and continuous antisocial behavior in which the rights of others are violated. Poor or nonexistent job performance is another major indicator. Persons with antisocial personality disorder make up a significant portion of the criminal and delinquent elements of society. Besides persistent criminality, the symptoms may also include aggression and drug addiction or alcoholism. Sociopaths generally accept their behavior as natural, feel no guilt when they hurt others, see little reason for or possibility of change, and resist therapy."
Need we be reminded how GWB stuck firecrackers (and other items) into live frogs so as to watch them blow up while he was just a child? -- A reminder of the very same activities of many serial killers whose childhoods have been studied. Need we be reminded of how he pursed his lips and giggled ... then mimicked "please don't kill me!" when he was attempting to jokingly mimmick Karla Faye Tucker before he had her executed? -- A reminder that he broke all of the records in the State of Texas for executions (134 that he personally authorized).
And by the way, Karla Faye Tucker became a devout Christian and refused to "ask for clemency" -- a minor factoid left out of the mimicking scene replayed in jocular scenes even today among Bush's cronies in the White House. She turned her life and her future over to her Lord and Savior, Jesus, as she asked the Christian picketers outside the prison fence to "please go home!"
Admittedly, Mr. Bush needs both our sympathy and our prayers -- Karla Faye Tucker asked us all to do exactly that before she was executed. Dr. Frank's book makes it abundantly clear that Mr. Bush is trapped in his sociopathic mindset and although Dr. Frank didn't state it, let me state emphatically that only the love of Jesus, as given in his death on the cross, and our prayers can bring him "home." I believe that Mr. Bush's ultimate salvation is already assured through his acceptance of Christ as his Savior, but we can and should pray that no more persons have to suffer (torture of detainees, deaths of the innocents in Iraq and Afghanistan, deaths of our courageous soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.) as a result of Mr. Bush's sociopathic injuries -- mostly suffered as a mere child.
But, in order to pray effectively, we should see Mr. Bush for what he is and how he became what he is. For starters, read Bush on the Couch -- Inside the Mind of the President by Justin A. Frank, MD.
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