We know that President Bush has a learning disability (several, in fact), but to realize that he is a megalomaniac ... is scary!

Until early today, I had never really given much thought to reading Bush on the Couch -- Inside the Mind of the President by Justin A. Frank, MD. But then Air America (XM Channel 167) replayed a "best of Randi Rhodes" and I was off to the library. She simply interviewed Dr. Frank. It was not even a long interview and I missed the rest of her show in my hurry to rush to the library.
I have only read about half of the book, but let me tell you: I'm not just humored by GWB's Bushisms ... I'm really afraid!
I'm also sympathetic to/for the president. The way in which his parents (Bush 41 and Barbara) handled the death and funeral of George's beloved sister -- there was total denial of her death in the home and his father continued to be the absentee father and his mother? I was shocked by the cruelty depicted in this book, although it explained her comments made about the suffering African Americans during the Katrina aftermath completely understandable.
GWB's hate for his father and his almost diametrically opposed (from his father's) way of dealing with problems becomes clear to me. I could never understand how GWB could send troops to Iraq under false statements made to both the UN and the American people ... and seem to be paying little regard to the sad pain that has resulted. That is explained very carefully by Dr. Frank.
His jokes, his meanness -- going back to his childhood when he was both a bully and someone prone to animal abuse -- all suddenly make sense.
Yes, this book is largely (as far as I've gotten) a book about child psychology ... but then Dr. Frank characterized GWB as a seven-year old in an adult's body. His dysfunctionalities began shortly after he was born.
No, this isn't the very best book I've ever read, but it's a must read!
wow! this kind of book is forbidden here about the president. they say it is bad for the nation.
you know the only wife of american president ever famous is kennedy here. i couldn't see any program about another wife. strange, no?
about his father.. what is your advice about the golf war? i can't understand why he didn't go on. i mean saddam was invading a country and then they wanted him to stay there and be dangerous one day or another? they were scared about the shiites/sunnites/kurdish problems to come? my father was in "les spahis", cavalery army (tank). they didn't understand (the spahis) when they came back to France but of course army is not politics for our big hapiness.
I will definetly look out for this book!
Le rouge et le noir -
Actually, I was living in Saudi rabia at that time and we (Arabs and Americans) thought it best that we not go full bore into a war/occupation of Iraq -- for many of the reasons that Bush 41's son seems to have ignored and which we are now experiencing.
Weird world, eh?
MWN (Joe)
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