Chance that GWB will endorse "Baker Plan" for Iraq ... about 0.000001 !!

The likelihood that a dyed-in-the-wool malignant narcissist and megalomaniac whose mistakes have cost thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi lives ... will jump on the bandwagon offered to him by James A. Baker III ... is ... well, after all, what would you expect of a confirmed sociopathic and narcissistic megalomaniac anyway?
And if Mr. Baker suggests that we ask for help from Iran and Syria to assist in making a deal between and among the Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds work out ... change the number in the title of this posting to 1.0 x 10-23 !!!
As early as 2004, Paul Levy characterized Mr. Bush's illness as:
[quote:] "malignant egophrenic (as compared to schizophrenic) disorder," or "ME disorder," for short. If ME disorder goes unrecognized and is not contained, it can be very destructive, particularly if the person is in a position of power. [end-quote]
It should be noted that Paul Levy in his various writings has made it clear that, in his opinion, we are all caught up in Mr. Bush's madness. It is contagious!!
If the Baker study group, as it is called, decides that the best solution calls for both a break-up of Iraq into three pieces with oil revenues equitably disbursed to all three groups (sometimes called the "Biden Plan") and that Iran's and Syria's help should be sought in addition ... "goodness gracious" (quote from Rummy), how might Bush and his (our?) ME disorder react?
Scary, eh?
Interestingly, Hillary Clinton (below), the likeliest next President of the US from today's vantage, said, "I believe that if President Bush woke up tomorrow and said that he would substitute Jim Baker or Colin Powell or Brent Scowcroft or somebody who actually knows how to do things in the real world for [Donald] Rumsfeld, I think the entire world would say, 'OK, you've got another chance; we want to listen to you again."

And just maybe we would ...
But of course, narcissists aren't in the habit of looking in the mirror and seeing truth staring them back eye-to-eye, are they? They only see exactly what they want to see .... what they have been programmed to see ... and that takes us back to Mr. Bush's tragic childhood traumas and upbringing -- which need not be repeated in this blog. [Go read Bush on the Couch again!]
I believe he would -- for his country.
MWN (Joe)
Secretary Baker is in excellent health and quite active for a guy in the third act.
I think Bush just may act upon the recommendations. A way to leave his watch at 65% approval just like Clinton.
Rich -
Like Sage, I wondered about Baker's age ... he's even three or four years older than me.
But then elephants (the GOP) live long lives, don't they?
Baker is one of the finest men we've had in public life in my lifetime.
bro joe
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