Oh no! An Islamic Katherine Harris !!

As if having Katherine Harris telling us that voting for non-Christians is voting for sin wasn't silly enough, we now have this Islamic yoyo threatening us all to become Muslims ... or else! Then again with a name like "Khazzam" ... or "Wazzam" ... (or is it "Shazam" ... like in the Captain Marvel comic books of the 1940s? Giving away my age again, aren't I? Even Swami Richard wouldn't recall the word, "Shazam.") ... what should we expect next? Billy Batson used to yell "Shazam" to grow up and take on the world as Captain Marvel. I wonder what Azzam yells out to get a lighting bolt painted on his chest and a white cape to take on ...? Oh no! Not Him!!! I think he better watch his backside ... and his frontside ... and (displaying my own beliefs) his immortal soul!
Besides personally inviting George W. Bush to convert to Islam (stranger things have happened, but I have at least enough faith that GWB won't do that), he said, "To Americans and the rest of Christendom, we say either repent {your] misguided ways and enter the light of truth or keep your poison to yourself and suffer the consequences in this world and the next!"
The tape opened with Osama's #2 radical furball, Ayman al-Zawahiri making a brief word or two that was entitled, "an invitation to Islam."
You know? I wouldn't mind GWB's October surprise being the capture (or demise) of either or both of Zawahiri or this nutcake, Azzam the American. He's no American in my books. Of course, the capture of Osama bin Forgotten would be even better, but the Bush and bin Laden families go back too far, I suppose.
For the love of Captain Marvel, why didn't we put our full efforts into getting the top leaders in Al-Qaeda (which would have meant taking on Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) rather than toppling Saddam (who was already contained) and then not even really getting the oil after four years?
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