Our military (Pentagon Report) says that casualties are up, not down!

While Mr. Bush is touring the country telling us all that this is not a Civil War, but that we are slowly reducing the "sectarian violence" (a.k.a. "civil war") the Pentagon issued a report in time for the Labor Day weekend that says ... "civilian casualties rose by 50% during the last three months" and that "conditions that could lead to civil war exist in Iraq" ... but don't meet the strictest definition of Civil War (in Wikipedia, no doubt).
And oh yes, our own US Military deaths went up by 50% from July to August ... a fact that you have to dig to even gather in, it's so well hidden. Have you noticed that Iraq is now back in the second or third section of your daily newspapers.
Sad ... very, very sad.
Very well put.
Orhan Khan -
It wasn't too difficult with Bush's big mouth and the facts as they continue to unfold. Thanks.
MWN (Joe)
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