What next for my bedtime friend and "dream maker"? (I leave my XM blaring as I drift off.)

The end of Mike Malloy's show (it would be on as I'm keying this in right now ... sob) seems to be only the beginning. Peter Werbe (a Detroiter like both myself and Swami Richard) is holding the fort down, but the past week has been non-stop confusing talk radio for me. Of course, the right-wingers (vomit-mouth Rush Limbaugh, Bush sycophant Sean Hannity and that blofiating buffoon, Bill O'Reilly) are having a field day over the problems and really went into orbit when Webster Griffin Tarpley (a Lyndon LaRouche type, although seemingly relatively intelligent) took at least one and maybe more (intelligent or not, even I shut him off!) of Air America's shows recently as the regulars [sic] were/are taking vacations.
Most ironic of the ongoing confusion was when WLIB in New York City (I'll bet my brother, Swami Richard from Connecticut, listens to it) switched their programming from Air America to Gospel music. Talk about a turn-about! Do any of you know what's going on? My dreams have been mighty peculiar of late.
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