Okay! I've had it! The gloves are now off, Mr. Rumsfeld!

I am tired of being called a "cut-and-runner" for believing that our War on Terror could better be served by redeploying our troops out of the ongoing Iraq Civil War and redirected against the real terrorists who threaten America.
But even more, I am absolutely furious at having to endure listening to the likes of Mr. Donald Rumsfeld telling me that my opposition to the continuing war/occupation in Iraq is equivalent to appeasing the Nazis in the manner of Mr. Chamberlain (above) before Germany attacked Poland.
Just who is it, Mr. Rumsfeld, who is shaking hands (in the photo below -- taken in the early 1990s) with the very person whose regime needed changing in 2003? The guy on the left looks strangely familiar, Mr. Rumsfeld. [Hint: It isn't me and it's not Laura Bush.]
I think it's time we stopped equating the War on Terror with the invasion of Iraq -- which has done more to endanger and weaken America while, at the same time, increasing the power and reach of the actual terrorists who threaten us worldwide. In fact, it has done so more than any other of the unconstitutional and unlawful acts committed by you and the other neocons who are holding the puppet-strings over Mr. Bush's mouth and signing finger -- GWB might be a half decent man, if left to his own accord, I believe ... maybe a rancher or a deer hunter. And it's damn well time you and the other neocons stopped calling those of us who oppose the continuing carnage in Iraq "appeasers of fascists."

The problem is if you let Iraq alone with its problems, maybe it won't be working. Maybe it's UNO's job, but these times i am not trusting UNO especially because for Lebanese-Israel crisis "kofi" was not strong enough to ask as well the uno to be in israel as well. The idea is just to avoid any revenge any unjustice let be. In this world more and more we speak about occident, civilisation, muslims... the war in the media started before the weapons.
Oops digression... about Hitler you can say to mister Rumsfeld (by the way everyone in france knows the picture you put on your article ;) the anti american way of french people) that tyhe difference with Hitler is that he had the best army of the world and since 33 germany became a big weapons factory, as well that germany became racist country and planned to civilize the world (not speaking about killing jews)... sadly many think america is the country which is very similar here even things change since we speak so much about Iran nowadays. But it's another subject.
Take care
le Rouge et le Noir -
Yeh I had forgotten how we (the US) might be regarded by the world. That's another reason that Mr. Rumsfeld should be more careful in his accusations of "appeasement."
MWN (Joe)
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