Is that a promise or a threat to Israel, Kofi?

The interesting aspect of his statement is that UN Resolution 1701 stated that the ceasefire depended on 15,000 UN troops plus and indeterminate number of Lebanese forces. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has repeatedly stated that Israel will not lift the naval and air blockade -- nor exit the "DMZ" until all conditions of UNR1701 are met, but even after saying "no dice!" once again yesterday, they are withdrawing their troops in an expeditious manner today. [Mediawingnuts says: Yogi Berra had it right -- "It ain't over till it's over!"]
it's very strange we never speak in the news about the non conventional weapons
but most people have doubts about the reasons why israel destroy liban economy and kill massively civils
le Rouge et le Noir -
True! The destruction of Lebanon's infrastructure -- and Iraq's too, of course -- is a form of "mass destruction."
We should all be aware of all of the sadness of war.
MWN (Joe)
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