New record levels of opium production in Afghanistan ... really?

As if we didn't need 100% proof that the Taliban is back and profiting extensively from the drug trade, it's enough to know that this year's harvest is estimated to be somewhere in the vicinity of 6,100 metric tons of opium. That's up by almost 50% from last year and accounts for 92% of the total world supply.
Where does it all go? The map and legend below tells the sad story.

I was just windering about this the other day. Quite amazing really.
orhan kahn -
This was one of the major issues during the 80s and 90s and my staff(s) kept fairly decent data bases on it at the time -- during the initiation and "big years" of our "war on drugs."
It seems to be on the back-burner in recent yewars.
MWN (Joe)
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