Our Six Daughters ... Mediawingnuts isn't entirely a Moonbat!

This is a pic taken during the recent (two weeks ago) reunion in/at Lake Tahoe .... uhh ... Truckee, California. They are (not in the order shown): Mary, Rachel, Kim (adopted while I was in Vietnam), Rebecca, Elizabeth and Jeannie -- plus an unidentifiable grandchild. My wife and I also have six sons, but I can't post a recent picture of them until we get them all together in one spot at the same time. In the meanwhile, you can always see all twelve of the Mediawingnut-juniors as of a dozen or so years ago at my (pretty sloppy and not-well-kept-up) website.
This is probably uncalled for, being that this Blog is supposed to be a highly intelligent compendium of thoughts (all thoroughly correct in every aspect) dealing with matters political, military, cultural, historical and scientific, more or less.
Just don't tell my brother Richard in Connecticut; he might disapprove.
Yes, I disapprove, but you do have a handsome family. Kristen spent some time with them last night.
But, check this site Why Israel? Not Iran?
Rich -
If you disagree with the one site that was "not in politically good taste," wait till you see the next in a posting or two -- maybe tonight!
Hee hee!
As for nukes, I am opposed to any country having them -- including the USA!!!
But I do worry about Iran -- who is in league with terrorist organizations and just miht end up a "supplier" to the likes of Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah.
MWN (Joe)
very cute family and seems everyone is happy
about nukes
you forgot france: it's really a big mistake to have let my country to get it
for what you said i disagree with iran supplier al-gaeda my informations are not the same : seems they get a lot of troubles with these people, who use religion and insult it to be in history book or whatever. i say that even i really not support this stupid prsident.. every two days we have call to my "belle famille" and the iranian people suffer a lot. but sadly like part of family of my wife, even the iranian outside would go back country to not let any invaders... they are quite nationalists, more at least than french who were liking much hitler ideas (my grand parents wer ein resistance but they never got anything from my country for this)
so again i am bit jealous your family hopefully we can be almost as numerous: but it be very hard ;) 12! it's incredible
take care
le rouge et le noir -
True enough! The EU3 (France, UK and Germany), however, are doing more meaningful negotiating with Iran than the US at this time.
Of course, the issue is oil and not nukes (in ten years) anyway.
The Iranian people are quite a league apart from their Government. A nicer people I have yet to meet. They even have a fairly large Jewish population and quite a Christian community in Tehran besides.
We all have to go slowly on this before they embargo their oil ... or worse.
MWN (Joe)
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