One more joins the "Time to exit!" crowd ... and admits he was wrong!

Will Hillary be next?
Whatever, it was refreshing to hear an honest admission from one of our own, Former Senator John Edwards from North Carolina ... that he was wrong in voting for the Iraq War (the invasion) back in 2002. Of course, many Democrats are changing their positions in line with political wisdom and the light of truth as it unfolds in Iraq itself. Lieberman remains stubborn, but I have a feeling ... a nagging little feeling, that he too will look carefully at the actual situation in Iraq and declare his conscience -- probably knowing that he would win the Connecticut election in November anyway. I even think he might drop out of the race entirely ... an entirely genuine apology and statement from the fine man he is.
Also, it might make a difference that Edwards, a fellow Democratic Senator at the time of that 2002 vote, and a former VP candidate himself, made this statement while stumping for Ned Lamont in Connecticut.
I should call my brother, Richard in Connecticut, and have him give Joe a call and suggest it to him. It would be a local call for him.
Joe, this is not the battle. The battle is in Lebanon, Israel, et al.
The battle you site is the easy one. The one that is playing out in Lebanon/Israel is the the hard one.
Rich -
Read my latest posting -- dedicated to you, Bro! It was pounded out this evening and just might be the only statement of the real facts existing in the blogosphere or media, in general.
MWN (Joe)
I meant "cite" not "site"
Rich -
I noticed, but wasn't going to mention it. :)
love (is that allowed in Blog comments?)
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