Whose side are we on today in Iraq? Sunni, Shiite or ...? (Dedicated to Richard who gave me the idea on the phone today.)

So let me reopen the issue.
We were originally told a number of reasons why we absolutely had to go into Iraq -- primarily the threat of WMDs and the presumed love affair between Osama and Saddam, but as the Administration slowly came clean with us on these original "reasons," we were then led to believe that our boys and girls were dying for the freedom of the Iraqi people themselves -- Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL). But liberation from whom? Saddam was by that time being dragged from a hole in the ground and the Republican Guard no longer existed.
We then began to hear of the terrible enmity between Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq (to some extent true) and then (most recently), it was a matter of our selectively choosing one side or the other from day to day in their mutual massacres in a war that was quickly characterized as "sectarian violence." Interestingly, there was no such "sectarian violence" for thirty years under the brutal (he was!) dictator, Saddam Hussein.
At roughly 100 civilians dying each day in Iraq, we can say that Iraq is suffering a "9/11 scale massacre" at a rate of one per month. And for this, we have sacrificed about 2600 lives of our servicemen and women who are totally unaware of what they are really fighting for.
Now, only this weekend, I hear murmuring from our State Department that we will even accept "a little less" than complete democracy in any eventual settlement between the sectarian factions. That must make the marines and national guardsmen facing death every day jut a bit confused. But the murmurings are real!
Of course, even OIL (Operation Iraqi Liberation) has taken second seat to the newest boogie-man in the mix -- something referred to as the "Shiite Crescent" -- not that the US will ever take "total" sides with either the inside or outside of the "crescent," although the Shiites comprise roughly 60% of the population of Iraq -- wherin we continue to "stay the course.".
I lived in Riyadh and Dubai for the decade before moving here to the great State of Washington. Most of that time I was the political/military advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Saudi Air Force and can tell you rather forcefully exactly who it is that fears the "Shiite Crescent" most. Do you think that it's Israel or Lebanon -- or even the US ... related to its protection of the smooth flow of oil (lower case "oil" in this case)?
No, of course not! It's the unelected governments/kingdoms/dictatorships of the rest of the Middle East (United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan, etc.) who are our longest term friends and allies (other than Israel, of course) in the region. They are the countries (largely Sunni) who fear the alliance of Iran, Syria, Iraq and Southern Lebanon -- not Israel, who has "the Bomb" and can protect itself if push comes to shove! Hellfire, they would have (unwisely) crushed Hezbollah (short term only) had Bush and Condi not told them to accept a ceasefire ... or else!
Our presence in Iraq is more likely unrelated to preventing a civil war in Iraq (current Administration excuse for "staying the course") than it is to preventing a "sectarian war" between and among nearly every nation in the Middle East.
How in Hell did we ever get in this crazy dilemma? Bush need look no further than the voices of his minders coming off the wires and wireless transmitters "hooked" to the speakers on the earpieces he wears when in public -- Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz (still!), and a few other lesser-known neocons still "trying" to run the show.
... and what a show it's becoming.
My brother, Richard, just might be correct -- this "Iranian connection" IS BIGGER than the federal court decision on NSA wiretapping that just came out of Detroit.
Ezekiel [38:5] just might be correct! What was that date, Richard? Oh yes .... August 22, 2006.
first of all, congratulations for making an interesting to read blog and give your opinion. I was reading some of your articles related to Iran, and strangely as it seems you know the bad relations between shiites and sunnis, arabs and iranians somehow and sometimes, you forgot that the arabic channels are anti iranian. For exemple, i heard from lebanese friend many bad words when smarter ones didn't confuse and separate hezbollah army activity to the humanitarian one which is very shiite one.
In USA, a country even today sometimes i really would like to live because here is hell and lies, some iranian give very bad opinion about their countries but sadly they mostly are opportunist... in the same time if you could access the iranian blogs communauty you could read how open minded it is and how iranian (my wife as well) suffering so much having a president who is from a group (forbidden in iran, it's somewhat "funny") which believes they should anything to help the hidden to come out. Yes i believe and terrorified about the next two days... and hopefully one day there is a banana on his way he can slide on and loose his tongue ;)
take good care
god bless you
le Rouge et le noir -
I have both Iranian friends and Lebanese friends -- and, as you might expect, dear Saudi friends -- both Arab and non-Arab and Muslim and non-Muslim. Of course, I also have Jewish American friends, although currently I know no Israelis acually living in Israel -- only one Brit and one American. I am myself part-Jewish, but only through my grandfather on my mother's side.
The friends with whom I communicate seem to agree that the hatred that is displayed in the continued fighting street fighting is deep-seeded for the most part and only in rare instances, fueled specifically by the current politics of the Middle East.
As armies fight, there is more "fueling" by governments and long-term goals by countries and sectarian "groups."
And that it was might start "in the next two days," to use your words.
Thanks for the well thought-out commentary. Let's hope that the love that God created in all of us wins out.
MWN (Joe)
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