27 Rajab, 1427 (Iranian calendar) is tomorrow and ...

Well, we won't have to wait for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to make some rant tomorrow! The Supreme Leader of Iran -- the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (above) grabbed the stage on Iranian TV today and said that there would be no backing down as regards Iran's nuclear program. His specific words were, "The Islamic Republic has made up its mind on the nuclear program and other issues [uh, uh ... wonder just what issues]; it will continue on its path with strength, [and] with God's help."
John Bolton (the US Ambassador to the UN) said that these words really don't mean a whole lot because they still haven't quite reached the UN deadline, which is (officially) the end of August on our calendar -- although Ahmadinejad suggested that we would know their answer tomorrow (August 22).
And we all know what that means, right?
If I were a guessing man (and I am!), I would take the Ayatollah's word over that of John Bolton any day of the week in any year after 1400 on the Iranian calendar. But ... tomorrow is another day, and we have to see what my brother in Connecticut has to say on this. After all, his is the final word, right?
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