Lesson for Senator George Allen": The "N" word in Africa is "Macaca" -- and you know it!

In any event, S. R. Sidarth was the only non-white person among 100 Republican supporters when Allen used the word "Macaca" twice in referring to him. Allen said, "This fellow over here with the yellow shirt--Macaca-- or whatever his name is--he's with my opponent." The video clip taken by Sidarth also has Allen yelling out, "Let's give a welcome here to Macaca ... welcome to America and the real world of Virginia."
Just for the record, the picture above is a real "Macaca" (also spelled "Macaques" in French and technically, a Macaca Fascicularis) ... and, when spelled "Makaka," it's a town in South Africa. Also, just for the record, S. R.Sidarth was born and raised in Virginia and is a senior at the University of Virginia today.
But of most importance, "Macaca" is a word that is equivalent to the "N" word among Africans in many areas of Africa -- and among many African Americans right here in the "good ol' US."
His (Allen's) excuse afterwards was that his confused the word with Mohawk -- as a reference to S. R. Sidarth's haircut which (1) is not even close to a Mohawk and (2) "Makaka" is not really close to the word, "Mohawk," and (3) being an Indian (from India) wasn't even appropriate as a racist remark to begin with -- except that Sidarth was darker than any other person in the room -- all Republicans!
George Allen's "true colors" are showing! His anti-Semitic remarks and showing of the Confederate "colors" (flag) both at campaign events and as a lapel pin are also "problems" that may follow Allen as he moves towards a run for rhe Republican Presidential candidacy in 2008.
I think he stumbled a couple of times at the starting gate.
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