Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's his constitutional right! That's democracy at its best!

I may be rooting for Ned Lamont come November, but all of the venom being aimed at Joe Lieberman right now irritates the pants off me. He has every Constitutional (and democratic) right to run as an Independent as long as he collected sufficiently many petition signatures (which he did) to be on the ballot. Further, the latest polls (taken two or so months ago) showed him at least twenty points ahead in a general election with himself running as an Independent.

Obviously, I hope that the voters in Connecticut wake up to the seriousness of his stance on the Occupation/War in Iraq and his statements that we should support the president's stance on Iraq during a "time of war" -- Hitler used those very same words -- and vote for the wave of the future in Connecticut and not "Team Connecticut," as Joe Lieberman refers to his candidacy.

Right, Richard?


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