And guess who's leaving the house at 4:30 am to catch a plane tomorrow morning?

Of all of the ways to bring down a plane, mixing small amounts of liquid ingredients to create an explosive compound seems to be about the most difficult ... but then Osama was never an easy guy to figure out. I had always been concerned about a timed bomb in the luggage somewhere or even a shoulder-mounted Stinger Missile secretively "ready" nearby an airport where planes were taking off or landing ... but explosives in shaving cream ... or perfume?

Now, I will carry a book -- and that's all -- on board with me! My daughter recommended Tropic of Night to me, so I will run by the library this afternoon.
But all of this has heightened my anger at the Administration (GWB!) for having expended so many of our resources fighting his oil war in Iraq -- now a civil war between Sunnis and Shiites -- within which our young soldiers don't even know from one day to the next which side they are fighting and which side they are allied with.
I'll be gone for four days, so Mediawingnuts will be silent for a short while unless I manage to get my hands on a PC somewhere at/in the Lake Tahoe area. It's a large family reunion or I'd be canceling my tickets this afternoon rather than visiting the library to pick up my "take-on baggage."
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