Bring Rummy down, Hillary ... for the sake of our troops both in Iraq and Afghanistan!

His tongue-in-cheek "My Goodness" in response to your indictment of his policies, statements and demeanor during this week's hearings was almost more than I could take! I recognize that George W. Bush would be wont to bite one of his minders, but if you could get Rummy to think he would be better able to run against you in 2008 as an unincumbered "civilian" with no SecDef duties, maybe he'd do us the favor himself.

You certainly don't need any additional reasons to get others to join your cause on this--even quasi-Republican Joe Lieberman has told him to consider stepping down today. The following are reason enough: (1) he has allowed sectarian violence to increase to the point of being (essentially) an undeclared Civil War in Iraq; (2) he has allowed Afghanistan to flare up again directly as a result of failed "management" [sic] of our military who are essentially 'encircling the camp' in parts of Kabul -- while too few troops are climbing about in the mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan; (3) the SecDef -- who is and should remain a very good manager of the offices in the Pentagon -- forgetting the actually infamous 9-11-2001 for a moment -- has inserted himself in the diplomatic corps and as a too-willing guest for Fox News and some of the right-wing talk show crazies; (4) he has been unwilling to punish the field commanders whose enlisted troopers are being prosecuted for everything from torture and murder to rape--which, in most cases, they thought they were doing in obedience to direct orders, of all things; and (5) he is arrogant, ignorant and adamant on just about every issue -- including his belief in Israel's right to blow Lebanon and its women and children to smithereens ... at will ... and, in so doing, has joined the Shiites and Hezbollah with their terrorist brethren in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, ... like they've never been joined before.
He sees Congress, the US Supreme Court and the very Constitution itself as unnecessary evils ... and himself as the champion of the throne of "King George," as long as "King George" stays tightly leashed to the will and dictates of Dick Cheney and ... Donald Rumsfeld, of course.
Go get him!! Support our Troops! Support America!
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