Thursday, August 03, 2006

Lamont leads Lieberman by 13 points for next week's Democratic Primary ... but ...

Lieberman and Lamont at a campaign event

Wow! I never expected Ned Lamont to get this far ahead of Joe Lieberman before the Democratic Primary. The Quinnipiac University Poll showed the race to be Lamont - 54%, Lieberman - 41% with 5% undecided. Trailing by that much before the primary, Joe Lieberman's victory in November (as an Independent) could be by less than 10 - 15% with my brother, Richard from Connecticut likely voting for Lamont.

Lieberman won't win by a whole lot in November -- nosiree! But now you all know why I had one "independent" among the winners for the senate in my July predictions for how the November Midterm Elections will pan out.

Reminder: Unaffiliated voters (largely Lieberman supporters) outnumber both the Democrats and Republicans, and the Republicans are likely to cross over and vote for the strongly Pro-Iraq War candidate, Joe Lieberman in November.

Still, it's three long months between now and the general Elections and I wouldn't count Lamont out quite yet! I'll be calling my son in Connecticut and try to pick up his and his wife's vote and maybe my brother, Richard, can get his wife to switch her allegiance to Lamont. That would be three votes ... we only need another couple hundred thousand, I suppose ... but that awful carnage in Iraq MUST BE STOPPED!!!


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