Aha! 9-11 Commission Report authors state that they were "obstructed"!

Okay ... okay! I know that I will be labeled a "conspiracy nut," the worst thing you can be called in America short of "anti-Semite." (Just ask Mel Gibson!) But, I have been carefully and slowly culling through the material available (admittedly, some pure BS and some clearly "planted") and have come to the conclusion that, at the least, there has been a coverup. Many of you have visited my website wherein I listed (as of September of 2003) at least 300 low probability "officially reported" events that, taken as a whole show that the probability of only those events that are statistically independent is something like 2.3 x 10-86 ... or scientifically impossible! I have since learned of many more "low probability events" taken as gospel by the Government and the media, but figured ... what the heck!
Who really cares anymore -- and besides, I surely don't have the $64 dollar question answered: Why? What's the actual "conspiracy"? I don't have one. Clearly, Al-Qaida was involved up to their eye teeth and clearly the Arab world (largely) applauded that horrid event. Silverstein's stating (recorded) that Building 7 should be "pulled" suggests that the buildings were somehow constructed with safety explosives (probably thermite) planted to avoid even more deaths on the ground if they fell over rather than collapsed straight down ... in the manner of a controlled demolition.
Interestingly, the 9-11 Commission Report doesn't even mention WTC Building 7 (which imploded and collapsed in its own footprint later on that same fateful 9-11-2001 day) and makes almost no statements referencing the very strange engineering aspects of the collapses of all three WTC Buildings and the peculiar hole in the Pentagon. (My Ph.D. is in engineering -- heavy in physics, math and statistics.)
Before retiring, I examined numerous crash sites and never witnessed entirely disintegrated aircraft and entirely disintegrated bodies. None of that is even taken up in the "official" 9-11 Commission Report. Many of the aircraft which I and other USAF experts examined in Europe and in the US were high speed fighter jets that went straight into the ground at full speed.
I suspect that more is still forthcoming in the examination as more and more investigators, firemen, streetside witnesses and others come forward in the weeks, months and years ahead.
My brother, Richard from Connecticut, told me several months ago that I should "just let it go!"
He's usually right in these manners and likely 100% correct again.
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