Sweetheart 1990 - 2006

Sweetheart died peacefully under a blanket at the bottom of my bed
Strangely, I dreamed of her last night and it was only after I talked to my sister and asked that we both pray that I find her "in her peace" (she was so, so weak the last time I saw her two nights ago) that I found her within a half hour -- after searching everywhere for a full day and a half, including the very spot where I found her.
She had a full life and I don't think she suffered too terribly as her system simply shut down. She never cried and continued to purr into my left ear on my pillow right up until she "disappeared" two nights ago. She wouldn't eat and, in fact turned her back on both food and water when I'd try to put it in front of her. The "appetite stimulant" that the vet gave her, plus vitamins and nourishment via an eye dropper, simply weren't enough. Not many cats have lived in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the US -- not to mention all of the plane rides that ultimately landed her in Ocean Shores, Washington -- where she became friends with the raccoons who live under my front porch and a wide variety of birds that feed at the bird-feeder that hangs in front of my large front window.
She was a wonderful friend, and I will miss her dearly. So will George, Ralph, Daniel and Andrew -- all of whom she "adopted" and nurtured when they came into the family as kittens. And Furface is meowing at this very minute looking out the back window towards the spot where she is buried. Don't tell me that animals don't have immortal souls!
I'll miss her on my pillow at night, but her brother (the same Furface who is crying at the window right now) will surely pick up that "duty" ... starting tonight!
Thanks for your prayers and best wishes.

Sage -
Thanks for the kind words. I needed them.
MWN (Joe)
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