Thank you! Now let's get a decent minimum wage without giving the rich additional millions!

Hey, hey! Even with their dirty tricks and "sweeteners," the Republicans couldn't get the 60 votes needed to get their damnable estate tax cut by tying it to the minimum wage bill. It was 56-42.
We can wait!
Let's make November the turning point in American politics and get the minimum wage -- passed as a stand-alone bill (on its own merits) -- and rid ourselves of war, pestilence and George W. Bush in one fell swoop.
Congress has 15 working days (they're on vacation for a while) to deal with this and immigration. This is a do nothing congress. We may be faced with a lame duck congress after November 8, meaning defeated law makers making law. And with this min wage law tied to estate taxes, Frist looked like an idiot, and he knew it.
We can only hope that voters will be wiser this time around.
Rich R --
Yes, of course! We will have to wait until after the elected Senators and Congresspersons take their seats -- sooner than January, BTW. I don't think there is such a thing as a "lame duck" Congress -- only the President and Vice president have to wait 8-10 weeks until Inauguration Day (I think).
Serenissima --
You're right to be concerned. We can never underestimate the "wisdom" of the voters, can we?
MWN (Joe)
rich ryan --
I was only slightly correct. The new Congress is installed in the first week of January, whereas the President/VP are inaugurated in the third week of January.
December will be a loooong month!!
MWN (Joe)
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