Let's make it at least a little tough on Tony Snow, guys!

Watching Face the Nation this week was bothersome in more way than one. But let me at least state my current gripe. Tony Snow stated, during his interview with Bob Schieffer, that Iraqi leaders "to a person" asked Bush (while GWB was there during his "sneak" visit) not to take our troops out of Iraq.
He wasn't challenged. Why not???
After all, This statement was directly contradicted by a June 15 Associated Press report that Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi had asked President Bush "for a timeline for the withdrawal of foreign forces from Iraq." Iraqi President Jalal Talabani supported Hashimi's request. I dug the quote and statements right out of the Face the Nation website only moments ago after hearing something that reminded me about it on Air America.
In fact, the entire interview was handled with such velvet gloves that I might have thought that Ann Coulter was hosting Face the Nation.
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