Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Richard said "Go!" So here goes ...

Time for me to reflect upon Richard’s recommendation for me to “think about it!” has passed … He said “Go for it!” just this afternoon.

I tend to shy away from religious or otherworldly considerations while discussing politics, world events or personalities … but the continuing occupation in Iraq prompted me to study (yes, study!) what exactly my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, might have to say about the activities in Iraq, past, present and future.

Well, he certainly had a lot to say about it, if we are to regard the Bible as a reliable source – which I do. Janeane Garafalo’s atheism notwithstanding – and I respect Janeane’s decision to express pride in her agnosticism and/or atheism as her “God-given” choice and absolute right as an American – I feel that the words and activities of Jesus are pertinent today as always. (By the way, for those who do not get Air America in their area, Janeane is a co-host with Sam Seder on The Majority Report and an articulate and sincere spokesman for “Freedom From Religion Foundation” – and, oh yes ... I certainly do support the basic tenets of the FFRF!)

(A minor and for sure, an unrelated note: Janeane Garofalo in this photo looks identical to my eldest child -- whose given name is almost identical to Janeane's.)

But back to the point of this posting ...

Quite similar to Janeane's "faith" in her atheism, I too have faith. I am certainly a believing Christian and absolutely not ashamed of it. Somehow, “proud” doesn’t quite seem like the right word to describe one’s spiritual or religious beliefs, but such “pride” is each person’s right and privilege. For myself, I regard my faith in Jesus and His saving Grace as a "gift" and not something I should be proud of, but for which I am eternally grateful.

That aside, what exactly do you think Jesus would think of the activities in Iraq, given such statements of His taken from the New Testament as “But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.” (Matthew 5:39)* I would regard Saddam Hussein as such an “evil person,” but I leave that for you to decide.

Paul too, in passing along the Gospel of Jesus, stated, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, so far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:17-20)

Good grief, Jesus even specifically grabbed the sword from Peter’s hands when he (Peter) sliced off one of the soldiers’ ears. Saying, “Put your sword back in its place … for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” (Matthew: 26:52)

And on and on it goes throughout the New Testament wherein Jesus taught His disciples the message of peace. Rather than become a preacher without credentials and having you listen to a Bible thumping sinner (worse than most), I will simply refer you to Jim Foxvog’s marvelous website wherein he does a more or less exhaustive listing of the Biblical verses that argue emphatically for pacifism beyond even what I am willing to accept. Unfortunately, I am a fallen man – a sinner through and through – and not one who should be preaching from my Savior’s marvelous Word to whomever might be reading this posting.

Mind you, I accept the religious beliefs and/or non-beliefs of all of you; but thought you might be interested in knowing from where I come in that regard.

George W. Bush professes to be a believing Christian, and I believe him. I only hope that he, and others among his political following who also profess the lordship of Jesus Christ, might reflect on their beliefs, read the Word and repent of this awful Occupation in Iraq that is only spreading the very “evil” that we are trying to suppress.

Today’s news of the brutal murder of two of our young servicemen in Iraq brought this to mind very dramatically. My God! They were just boys! But then, wasn’t it only two weeks ago that we were reading of the Haditha slaughter of last November in our daily newspapers? Or the killing of three captured Iraqis in Salahaddin Povince? And what of the murders, suicides and alleged torture of the prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison – or at/in Guantanamo? As I wrote above, Jesus Himself said “… all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”

PLease, Mr. President ... look long and hard at what's happening both in Iraq and elsewhere! Please "redeploy" (Jesus would likely do even more, but I'm not in His league) our forces outside of the borders of Iraq so that the (admittedly misled) Iraqis won't continue to murder our young men and women serving our country as Allah demanded revenge (as they see it) for the tens of thousands of their family members who have died under our bombs and bullets. I spent a lot of time in Vietnam (1969-70) and in Saudi Arabia (the 90s -- including spending the original Gulf War in the Royal Saudi Arabian Air Force Headquarters) and know that these Asian cultures, particularly the Arab culture, require "an eye for an eye" ... and the killing won't even begin to slow down until we leave the killing zone.

He paid the full price for all of us ... Iraqis included!

* All biblical references are from my favorite translation, the New International Version or NIV


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