Rover, Rover -- Rover Rove Over . . .

Rover, Rover -- Rover Rove Over . . . Over?
Or is it? That is, is the "Rove indictment" affair over? Is the Rove indictment only a former pleasant (I choose not to use the politically incorrect adjective that is a synonym of "moist" in deference to my PC-correct brother, Richard in Connecticut) dream of those of us who were waiting and watching with bated breath for Mr. Rove to be marched (I loved Larry Johnson’s imagery of a “frog march”) in cuffs from the WH to be charged in connection with his lies and involvement in the entire sordid Valerie Plame affair?
Maybe. Maybe not. Reading the mainline press accounts, I would be led to believe that Patrick Fitzgerald’s statement (voice, letter or FAX, depending upon which website you visit) that he “does not anticipate seeking charges against Karl Rove” at face value. Others, however point to the unusual circumstances surrounding Patrick Fitzgerald’s not providing even a one-liner to the media along these lines. Who knows?
My own take on all of this is that Karl has indeed “rolled over” (thanks, Rover!) with the total agreement and permission (of course) of his boss, GWB. That is, he will be very cooperative in the continuing investigation and in his role as a witness in the trial of Scooter Libby – to the unhappiness of Vice President Dick Cheney. No, I’m sure he didn’t “cut a deal” with Fitzgerald, but the indication is clear that he was not the Big Fish that Fitzgerald has been after from the outset, IMHO.
Anyone who has even kept a half of an eye on the ongoing Plame investigation by Patrick Fitzgerald (my brother, Richard, refers to PF as a clone of Eliot Ness – remember him?) knows full well that the OVP is the center of the whole conspiracy to oust Valerie Plame as a CIA operative working on the question of whether Saddam Hussein was in possession of WMDs back before we invaded Iraq. For an excellent review of this, I recommend that you read the discussion among several bloggers who are both in the know and closely following the entire affair.
My personal opinion is that Cheney is not just the architect of the leak/smear from the outset, but that he is a drag on the Republican Party and the WH during this critical mid-term election year. Would the powers that be dump Cheney? You can bet your pension on it! (It might not be worth all that much after we’re finished – if ever – in Iraq anyway.)
My bottom line is simply that Fitzgerald’s “investigation” is not over by a long shot. Remember, Luskin’s statement only referred to the “pending case” (presumably Libby’s indictment and future date in court) when he refused to comment any further on whatever he received from Fitzgerald that ended Karl Rove’s worries about a possible future indictment.
The Grand Jury continues to work (on taxpayers' dollars) and God only knows what is/was in the “new chunk of evidence, a bunch of emails” that is now in the Special Counsel’s hands.
Watch for a bolt from the blue when we are all least expecting it!
Calabazablog -
Danke Scho:n! I visited your website and found it colorful (actually, quite beautiful!) and likewise, interesting -- at least those postings that I was able to read in English. Keep it up! MWN (Joe)
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