Mediawingnuts' birthday happens to be on Guy Fawkes Day ... so ...

Admittedly, we of the 99% are not wishing to see the British Parliament Building burned down -- nor the Congressional Building! Just the barriers that divide us!
But ... as long as it's my birthday (two days ago, on Guy Fawkes Day), I can suggest some changes along the lines of one of my heroes from when I first heard of him in my teens:
1. Eliminate the sad gap between the super wealthy and the rest of us.
2. Health Care is both a birthright and a necessary entitlement.
3. Making it more difficult to register to vote only really makes it more difficult for the poor and those from minorities to register and vote.
4. If it takes higher taxes to allow the Government to hire workers (a la WPA days under FDR) then let's raise taxes--and not necessarily only on the those earning more than a million dollars per year!
5. Eliminate the words "homeless," "hungry" and "poverty" from the American English language.

And NO, that is not Herman Cain nor Rick Perry hiding beneath the mask!
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