What causes the universe's size to increase at an accelerating rate? Why ... Dark Energy, of course! Or might it be Dark Matter?

Or do we have the Law of Gravity backwards?
Neutrons traveling faster than light? The Universe expanding at an ever increasing rate? Time-travel backwards? Eleven dimensions? (But don't get caught teaching Intelligent Design in a Public School in America!)
Is Dark Matter or Dark Energy (sounds like Satan to me) to blame?
Well, if Harold Camping's latest prediction for the end of the world (October 21, 2011) pans out, many of us will have the answers in less than a week.
I'm not counting on it, but have given my life to the Lord (Jesus) whenever He returns--surely some measurable period of time before the end of the world, as I read the Book of Revelation--at least as I read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
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