It's Not Fair!!!! He has the Brewers, Packers and Badgers ... and all I have are the Mariners!

Then again, he might not pray as fervently for the Brewers as his uncle does for the Mariners--and surely, the Mariners will get a greater share of wins against the Brewers after the Rapture (interleague play will be allowed in Heaven) once they make a trade or two to get Alex Rodriguez back to bring Ichiro Suzuki over the plate game after game (Ichiro will walk and steal second before A-Rod comes to the plate in the first inning of each game) while our ace, Freddie, holds the Brew-crew to about a hit and a half per game in the Heavenly Hallelujahdome.
But for now, it's JUST NOT FAIR!
Then again, he has Governor Walker up with which to put (prepositional placement borrowed from Winston Churchill) over there in Wisconsin ... so maybe it's not all that unfair.
That's a nice panama hat that gent has on! ;)
I'm jealous--both of your Wisconsin teams and your Panama hat!
The Brewers looked okay until that last (ugh!) game. How do the Mariners fit in?
Packers beat the Bears 4 times in 2011... which is an NFL record. Once we get Jennings back (WR #85) hopefully we can spread out the offense and dominate time of possession. Pack now has homefield advantage throughout NFC Playoffs... If we dominate time of possession and keep that D off the field, I think we will be back to our early-season form...!
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