Barely One Year Later ... Irony of Ironies!

Guess who officiated at the wedding! Really!!

Does this mean that there is a President Weiner in our future--or only that the latest American favorite pastime (watching sex scandals unfold on the nightly news) is a posterboard for Muslim (her) - Jewish (him) relationships in this weird world within which we all live?
It would only be weirder yet if the wedding had been officiated by the current Speaker of the House, John Boehner ... pronounced "BAY-ner" ... I'll let you-all untwist the sarcasm (no irony this time) in this last interesting, but untrue, scenario.
So sad for the wife, especially since she's pregnant.
Yes! I heard on MSNBC that she is three months pregnant--and working herself very hard as one of Hillary's top aides in the State Department.
I don't think I would want to have a last name like Weiner or a President either, but it is great, that she has a little one coming along, but in this world now, I wouldn't want to raise a child now.
From a Child of God
with a sense of humor
p.s. I hope that I have
not offended anyone,if
I am sorry
Hmm ... President Weiner? Doesn't sound all that bad if he puts the Public Option back into Obamacare.
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