It may be hokey arithematic, but I'd rather that Jesus were coming sooner than later!
If you recall from one of my lesser important postings, some folks are predicting that tomorrow will be the date of the prophesy in 1 Thes. 4:13-18. That is, some of us--the true Believers--will be swept up into the Heavens (dead first, from their graves) to meet Jesus for an Eternity of bliss and ... well ... Eternity!
The math went something like this: Using Daniel 9 and the 70 days mentioned there, we add 70 years to May 14, !948 (the day Israel became a sovereign nation) and get May 14, 2018. Remember, to God a year is like a day--or something like that! Anyway, we are also told in Scripture that His Chosen (that's us!) won't suffer the Tribulation (seven years) that will end on May 14, 2018. Subtract seven years from May 14, 2018 and you have:

But then, if we aren't greeting one another in the clouds with Jesus, we have still one more week to wait for the date that Harold Camping came up with using Noah's Ark, the tilt of the earth, the Jewish calendar and some mathematics that would make Albert Einstein blush. May 21, 2011 is right around the corner!
To the believers in Jesus as the Christ, I'd suggest posting your comment before midnight tomorrow--you might very well be in Heaven. For the non-believers, you will have seven years or so to think about it and come to the Truth before all Hell breaks loose.
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